Wednesday, March 29, 2006

The future consumes another historical witness.

So there goes Bush's most faithful and trusted chief of staff, Andy Card. We can probably expect sometime in the months ahead his dear consigliere will be awarded a presidential medal of freedom.

I wonder if the presidential medal of freedom is a metaphor for finding the head of your prized race horse in your bed as a kind of friendly reminder that "silence is golden"?

Well, we may never know exactly what words Andy Card imparted to the president in Booker Elementary the morning of 9/11. Certainly, the photos of those few moments of him whispering into his ear and the twisted presidential facial contortions as he sat there for the next several minutes afterwards will leave many of us speculating all the way to our graves.

Maybe it went something like this:

"There's been a second plane accident at the World Trade Center. Cheney and Rummy have everything under control. Just try to collect your wits and stay calm. Give us a few minutes to prep Air Force One. We're gonna take the afternoon to fly around a bit before we go to Nebraska. Don't worry, there'll be no press corps asking tough questions while you're on that plane!"

But that still would raise more questions than it answers, wouldn't it?


enigma4ever said...

You know what is sad? That actually is prety close to what I think was said...too..." or, we can change your diapers on the plane" ..something like that...shit..

enigma4ever said...

On another note I said this on another blog- Card said " I am going to be spending more time with my family".

hmm, so far ANY that have had to say that it really translates to :

" I will be meeting with my attorney and planning my defense".

Cause remember Scooter and Rove and Andy was on ALOT of the same meetings and EMAILS....
and the Fitz/scooter/ front has gotten very quiet....

and also there is OVERLAP on the Fitz/Abramoff case.....
so Have Hope...
Summer will be as HOT as Hades in DC..
and it ain't gonna be about Global Warming....

Anonymous said...

Was it on the Daily Show I heard this last night? That Andy Card leaned into Bush's ear & said "there's been a second plane crash into the WTC, but PLEASE continue reading, Mr President, I simply MUST know what happens to that GOAT." !!! D.K.

Dada said...

e4e: You're such a riot most of the time. I loved your "diaper change on the plane" comment. Hmmm, maybe that explains his strange look after Card left him there on the "stage", huh?

But ya know? I'm so mother-jesus- fuckin'-christ depressed by the gangsta Jack Abramoff's sentence today. The sumbitch should be gone the rest of his natural days. Yeh, yeh, don't tell me, I don't wanna know about the weekend prison passes and golf course. (Don't tell me his cell's located just off the 14th green. I don't wanna know that shit.)

Abramoff strikes very close to home, extorting millions of dollars from a local tribe who had a casino, much of the earnings from which were shared among tribal members for housing, education, etc. But that plus our self-righteous, snowy white Texas senator, John Cornhole, they were closed down and a tribe that was making things better for its members by providing jobs for its members became just another tribe deprived of an income.

Thousands of local lives were affected. And that's just one tribe. The gangster's tentacles wrapped around many others and so he gets five measily freakin' years?

enigma4ever said...

now Dada he got six...but here is the thing, he also might get more- there are racketeering/ricco charges still hanigng out there as well as, hmm MURDER charges....and he also could potentially bring down alot of people still, and remember there is overlap with the Fitz there is alot of shit still hanging over him...( you did see him in his little bullet proof vest right? ) I also think there is a chance that he has been wired...BTW- the Vanity Fair article is very intersting on him..and the WH ( and DELAY)

Anonymous said...

e4e we are thinking alike ! And oh the beauty, I could live with Abramoff 5 or 6, even in the golf prison, if he provides indictable evidence on Libby, Delay, and (dare I hope) ROVE ---- yes that fat bastard has GOT to go down-town. Go, Fitzgerald, do your thing & do it well! D.K.

enigma4ever said...

Hmm, he ain't going to Golf Camp- he is going to Fed Pokey...yikes...

And yes I pray for Fitz daily to get those lying bastards...ALL OF THEM

enigma4ever said...

Oh, Dada I meant to apologize- it is not 6 years- it is 5.10 BUT that is FED Pen...