Just a couple of observations or comments to start the day before a real blog comes along. First of all, I caught CNN's Daryn Kagan yesterday reporting on students cutting classes to demonstrate against immigration reform as proposed in House bill 4437 which would make all undocumented immigrants felons and make it a crime for priests, nuns, health care workers and other social workers to offer help to undocumented immigrants.
Kagan questioned the efforts of these high school kids saying something like, wouldn't it be better if, instead of out marching, they were all back in school getting an education?
Yep, this from a Stanford University graduate. It's alumni like her who demean that institution's stellar reputation as one of America's great universities and leads one to ponder how folks like her, along with our Oil Tanker Secretary of State Rice, ever got through the tough Stanford University admission standards.
Democracy Now!'s Amy Goodman, in contrast, featured interviews with some of those students cutting classes to protest and I was extremely impressed with their awareness of the issue. Daryn Kagan would have been well served to catch a bit of those kids on Democracy Now! Of course, Amy Goodman is more of a serious reporter of news in contrast to Kagan who appears more in the mold of corporate jello journalism.
I think many of those kids skipping classes to protest were learning far more than sitting in some classroom for civics. They were learning it by living it! It was reassuring for the future of America to see high school kids actively participating on issues important to them. Maybe because it directly affects them. Maybe they'll all be deported under the new law.
Then America can get back to what it does best. Sleeping.
We all know the difficulty president Bush has with one of the features of democracy as shown in the presidential election of 2000. If the outcome is unacceptable, scrap the democracy and just seize the power. Well, from an article appearing in the UK's "The Independent" it appears the Iraqi democracy Bush has granted that nation is grating on him there as well.
Seems Bush doesn't like Ibrahim al-Jaafari as prime minister of that country. As a result, Bush has written the leader of the Shi'ite Alliance, Abdul Aziz al-Hakim, "asking" someone else be nominated to serve as prime minister. Of course, the irony of that is lost on Americans who have given a couple thousand lives of loved ones for the "Iraqi democracy". After all, Americans who have abrogated their very own democracy, have little interest or empathy for budding new Third World ones.
But the significance of Bush's meddling gall in theirs is not lost on the Iraqis, however. They are pissed. Very pissed. (Their big mistake being they probably believed Bush's propaganda to U.S. citizens about spreading democracy and freedom to their nation, making them as delusionary as Bush.)
Rather than Bush strongly "suggesting" al-Jaafari be replaced per Bush's wishes, I think it might be more expedient, using Bush's *supreme omnipotence*, if he consider more expeditious means of carrying out his wishes, i.e., it may be time Bush thought about invading Iraq, of sending the U.S. military into that country to depose al-Jaafari. After all, it worked beautifully once. Why not again?
Finally, I had to laugh at a story on NPR yesterday regarding senator Joseph Lieberman's reelection effort. Labeled as Bush-lite by many democrats, he is being challenged for his democratic seat in the senate by an anti-war democrat.
But here is the irony for all proud democrats. Democratic leadership would prefer Lieberman not be challenged in the primary for his senate seat. Why? Because the democratic leadership considers his seat secured if Lieberman is the candidate. Here, I'll say that again, democratic leadership considers Lieberman as good as reelected if he is NOT challenged by an anti-war democrat in the primary.
So here we have a Bush-lite republican (who adamantly denies he's a Bush bootlicker!) that the democratic leadership wants reelected (as a democrat that has garnered praise from republicans!). Sigh.
Such is the state of the democratic party today. I think it would be another nice lesson for democrats if Lieberman is the democratic candidate in Novermber. And he loses! I guess I've no patience for Bush's "opposition party". A party whose leadership thinks it's "too soon" to censure Bush as suggested by one of their own and supported by only two other democratic senators.
Friday, March 24, 2006
No Gay Marriage for George Bush
US President George W. Bush has again derided gay marriage, saying “I believe society’s best interests are met by defining marriage as between a man and a woman.” And to underline his point: “That’s what I believe.” His comments at the White House news conference were in response to a journalist pressing him on how society’s best interests could be served by the courts nullifying same-sex unions, as had been done to thousands of couples in San Francisco.
The National Stonewall Democrats called Bush’s comments an “affirmation of marriage discrimination.” In contrast, “the Democratic Party supports extending equal rights and responsibilities to same-sex families,” said Eric Stern, the group’s president.
A bill to amend the Constitution to ban same-sex unions is currently before Congress.
19 US states have already written similar amendments into their state constitutions and seven more have ballots on the issue forthcoming this year
It's all such a bloody mess. I really liked your blog. I didn't even know about House bill 4437 until yesterday when my hebrew friend brought it to my attention. This country is in a fine state right now, and if SOMEONE doesn't do something about it, it is not going to get any better. I don't have a television, so I feel very cut off from political issues of any kind. I also live in St. George Utah, which happens to be Cultural Wasteland capital of the Universe, so you can guess how many protest marches kids here want to be involved in. Most of them are racist anyway. The rest are Mormons who don't want to "stir up any trouble".
I hope we can eventually get someone compitent into office.
To Nina- wow..many hugs...to you in the Wasteland-please come over to Watergate Summer- we will feed your soul there as well...( as will Dada)
Now Dada- about Daryn-I-sleep-with-Rush-so-I-am-brain-damaged Kagan.....she is AN ASOLUTE IDIOT...
( such an idiot I don't even feel like wasting my fine cursing skills)....
( my son calls her Tampon Brain, something about being fluffy cotten, absorbant and having a string??..I am not even sure what that means but it makes me laugh...)
I call her the Queen Twinkie....
Nina....trust e4e....she's got a great coffee shop over at Watergate Summer's.
I'm not very aware of what your area's like, politically, other than the fact it's in Utah (which I suppose says something, huh?)
I'm in Texas (which I suppose says something, huh?), but fortunately, I'm about as far west as one can get in Texas, hence, in just a few miles /minutes I can be in Old or New Mexico. However, HOWEVER, we DO have a democratic congressman who voted against Bush's war! (It didn't help, but voting under an authoritarian government is just symbolic gesture, signifying nothing I suppose.)
I think I have detected the source of your "problem" here, however. The origin of your social conscience you possess that's so lacking in much of the nation. It's TV! YOU DON'T HAVE ONE! What kinda of deprived existence is that? (grin)
Anyway, hope you drop back by again. Appreciated your input.
e4e: I loved your using Daryn's full name. I intentionally left her middle name out, but (truthfully?) I'm glad you saw fit to put it out there for us all to chuckle about.
damaged-Kagan. Love it! "Queen Twinkie" works well with me too! And your son is gonna do great things in life!
Thanks for enhancing today's blog.
Thanks Dada- thanks for letting me come here, and occasionally vent, be silly and also just talk...I feel for Nina- Utah is not a very free thinking place...We all need to laugh and take care of each other and look out for each other...
I went to a blog today to check on someone that I thought was a friend- and it was so odd- I walked on a discussion of ME- and I was being bashed- for WHAT I still don't know..and it left me so upset and crying- yeah- me crying. Because I felt like WTH??? I try so hard to be good to people at my blog and also in Blogatopia...So I was sitting there thinking gee maybe I should not make jokes- or let people know that I read them and love what they write or observe....maybe I have hurt feelings and not even known it. The weird thing is it was a blog where I have left supportive positive comments- and most time I get blocked by Haloscan- it says BAD BROWSER...so I have not a clue what he is talking about. But he accused me of causing him spam?? and also that I was deceptive ????
and he also did it front of all the other comments...
Wow....it was worse than Lilly bashing me all over the blogs....
so here I sit Heartbroken and so confused...and then you wrote something nice- so of course I cry all over again....
It is Progressive Traditionalist ( something Ellipse is his blog...) if you want to see the Enigma Bash session...
I guess what I was trying to say is now I feel like I have to go apologize to everyone- for what I don't know, but definently apologize for contributing to others blogs? or commenting? or giving feedback on my own blog...( Progressive Traditionalist's blog is http://rovingellipsis.blospot.com/, )
I try hard to be honest and caring of others, and everyone knows that I have had nothing by Blogger and email troubles for a month...( like I know anything about spam- I was locked out of my own damn blog for a week??? geez I have no geek skills)
anyways I am making a list and I will go and paologize to all that I might have offended and hurt- and gee I amy even blog on it tonight.....
sorry ,but this just came pouring out Dada, all because you said I was nice....
first things first...nina, I also welcome you to this little oasis of quiet, thoughtful and occasionally silly dialogue among equals...dada is a gracious host...and please do visit watergate summer for an extra dose of compassion and fire-in-the-soul...
enigma, this talk of bashing and your rightfully hurt feelings about it saddens me...do what you think is right for you, but my opinion is that you have nothing to make public apologies for and public apologies will do little to change things...you are indeed good to the people in blogger-land and to the visitors at the enigma cafe and you exemplify that by asking your visitors to extend that same courtesy to others...i have never seen a hateful, spiteful comment from you (and wouldn't believe it if i did)...continue to trust your intuitions about who the real "like-minded" people are and who are the trolls trying to get under your skin and know that the former support you and even like you...there appears to be many petty jealousies and desires to be the "masters" of blogger-land out there, and they have nothing but groundless accusations and speculation to throw at you...don't grace that crap with a reply...
I am sorry guys...I thought I was fine...and then Dada said something so nice and I just sat here and lost it and started typing....it just came pouring out...I came back later and was kinda embarrassed....but yeah I just was feeling like maybe I did need to apologize...sorry it has been a Rough month....thanks Maine Friend....Dada- I think I should mail the Foul jar- to cover my emotional meltdown....I spilled my cofee here so to say...so sorry...
( And yes Nina there are lovely folks here and at watergate summer...remember that Blogland is full of good souls)
Whoa! E4e...having a bad day in Gladrock? Nah...I just came from that blog and I'd say they're the one's having a bad day. Someone over there has gotten a bur under their saddle. Just know, you needn't apologize here nor anywhere else for anything, I'm sure. And you know you're always welcome here.
And I know I needn't tell you, ye veteran of some very heavy battles, it takes ALL types of sense and sensibilities. But that doesn't make it any easier when being assaulted for reasons unclear by persons of thin skin.
Hang in there e4e, you're loved in these parts and certainly by frequenters of the Enigma Cafe! BTW, would you like sugar or Sweeta with your iced tea?
Maineiac says it so much more nicely than I ever could. Thanx Maineiac.
Ok, stepping away from my self-imposed tax-dungeon, just a quick HI to Nina (a fellow Utahn, wow!), a quick hug to enigma who has NOTHING to apologize for, maineiac is right AS USUAL. And Dada, thanks for providing such a nice, cozy safe place. Ok, crawling off now, sword firmly in hand to beat back the dragon. It's a horrible dungeon! D.K.
God bless you DK. I thought for just a brief moment, the light in this room had gotten brighter! Good luck jousting with the dragon.
If we allow him, he would wear us down, but with fighters like you and those who drop by here, we shall succeed in keeping him at bay!
OMG, I just got enigma's son's "Tampon Brain" reference! The STRING is so she can REMOVE her brain when it's not needed!!! Like during her "news reporting" and of course in her nightly wrestling with the Rush-monster. So helpful to just take the old brain out & rest your empty head for awhile, huh Daryn. GENIUS, courtesy e4e's smart son! Does he have his mom's hair, too? I want to give you both big hugs!!!!!!!
And dada Lieberman earned the blechhh-rating from me long ago. I always say I'll vote for whoever opposes the repug, but for him I might have to make an exception.
And yeah, seeing those kids in the street protesting, I don't even care what exactly, just seeing them out there cheered me up. Questions need to asked, Chicago '68 style. D.K.
Dada, Maine Friend, and DK- Thank you so much...you all cheered me up....and yes, I asked Rob about the Daryn, ahem , Nickname- he said oh, she needs the STRING...otherwise she can't find IT !!!!???....( OMG...still laughing...and yes, we know that my son inherited his mom's wicked genes.... or is it jeans???)
(((((( )))))) Hugs to all of you....thanks for letting me spill coffee, and you all talking sense into me....And yes Dada I will stay for a bit and have an iced tea...I even brought Mint ;-)
No, no, no! Queen Twinkie is Kyra Phillips! Althought it's difficult to tell them apart. I think the only difference is that one sleeps with Rush and the other one just sleeps while parroting the GOP talking points.
Nona! Queen Twinkie is Kyra Phillips? Oh yes, I forgot about our prized Kyra Phillips.
See, last November here, Nona and I were musing over live coverage of Bush's visit to CO when angry protestor's surrounded and detained for a time one of the press buses in Bush's entourage. And while they were a little intimidating, they never got to rocking it, ultimately tipping it over and doing harm to those inside. (sigh)
But Kyra got to talk live with Elaine Kijano, one of CNN's reporters inside the bus, and revealed she, Kyra, obviously has no stomach for news. Anyway, a brief portion of that blog as I reported it:
"Keep in mind the simple flipping of the bird in anger at Bush's policies is shameful and embarrassing to CNN, while their obscene *Rah-rah* lead-up to Bush's war and the subsequent attrocities are not. A squeamish Phillips concluded the interview with Quijano and her 'repulsive' images thusly, 'Once again Elaine Quijano.... I just....get off this video, Elaine Quijano, thank you so much, some protestors there, obviously anti-war protestors comin' up on the media bus there as the president arrives there in Denver, CO.'"
Okay, maybe instead of Queen Twinkie giving rise to the confusion as to just who that refers, how about the Twinkie Twins? (I'd forgotten how MUCH I just love Kyra Phillips too.)
The Twinkie Twins- OMG...I am still laughing....
too funny...and so true....
Nona- thank you so much for reminding us other the other wonders....
( thank heaven only one sleeps with Rush....)
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