Thursday, March 23, 2006

Another 3rd Anniversary Iraq War Picture


Anonymous said...


but if memory serves me correctly, the impeachment proceedings against Clinton were because he, if he had stood up and said "yup, I had sex with that woman" that would have been OK, right?

oh, wait, it was the nature of the sex act that really got the repugs going, so they probably would have invoked the archaic sodomy laws that are still kicking around in various states...

bumper sticker seen today on a vehicle also sporting a "kerry/edwards" sticker from 2004...

"when clinton lied, nobody died"

Anonymous said...

So apparently McCain's occassional presidential knob buffing doesn't count, right? D.K.

Dada said...

Okay guys. You both make good points. Like you said, maineiac, what would have happened if Clinton'd just said, "Yup, I did it, and I loved it."

Oh hell, that woulda only infuriated envious republicans more, wouldn't it? They'da burned him at the stake, right?

And DK! I'm shocked. McCain? No, probably wouldn't count. Unless, unless, we could get him to wear a blue dress to gather the evidence on. Ya think?

Anonymous said...

hehehe, doesn't McCain already possess "dress blues"? Just for those "special occasions". D.K.

Dada said...

No, no....I wanna see him in a real blue dress....after all, as much as he ....oh never mind....we all know what McCain is.

Dada said...

I was gonna add another blog tonight, but I was out car shoppin' this afternoon. God I hate it. (Dropped by the Chrysler dealer, however, and fell in love with this "Route 66" special "Street Cruiser" French's mustard yellow PT Cruiser. Cute thang.

Don't worry....I'll blog it tomorrow, I'm so damn mad!

enigma4ever said...

Dada I came to give you a hug and tell you the Enigma Cafe is FINALLY fixed- thanks to about six other wonderful lovin' geeks...

I see the Art here is still poignant...I would offer- but I ain't his type I told you that ;-)
( I am patriotic)

( My son said it best about the BJ...If it leaves a Stain it is Sex....15 and so smart....but saving the dress he calls "White Trash Theater"=" WTF was that about?- was she gonna put it in her hope chest???" He calls the Cigar Shop downstairs-" the Monica Salon"...)

Mr John Cooper said...

You've never met me but I read your blog ocasionaly, I was just wondering if youw ould you mind if I posted that picture in my blog as it is rather wonderful


Anonymous said...

heeheehee, dress...dress blues...hope people crack me up...

Dada said...

Hi John Cooper: Yes, by all means, feel free to post that picture. As I said in the brief e-mail I sent you, "We need to spread the stain."

Oh, and thanks for dropping by on occasion.

Dada said...

e4e: Thanks for that warm hug. It was just what the doctor ordered after jousting with slick car salesmen all afternoon.

And we KNOW how patriotic you are. But even patriotism has its limits. Limits I never doubted you would honor. After all, even preventing Armageddon is NOT worth trespassing those limits unless its by the likes of Oil Tanker Rice, Karen Hughes, John McCain or Karl Rove. (Oh wait, on that last one, I have that turned around as to who gives, who takes. Sorry Karl.)

As for the most astute comments of your 15 year old son, I can only assume he's a product of our educational system. What school did you say he attended?

Dada said...

maineiac: Yeh, isn't it interesting how much fun's being had with this? And you notice who's really 'toying with it most'--the girls!

Anonymous said...

that's because us "girls" can only all too well imagine what's being proposed here. Thanks for putting a most horrid image in my mind. Bush ---- blechhhhhh! And thanks engima for NOT offering, I was afraid my patriotism was being questioned. D.K.

Anonymous said...

wait, maybe i misunderstood ... enigma says she WOULD offer, but she's not his type? Is his type TOOTHLESS???? Cause now there's an image (with hannibal lecter teeth) that is somehow compelling (sorry, "guys"). D.K.

Anonymous said...

ouch, cut it out with the graphic images already, DK

back at'cha from "the world according to garp"

at least mine was surgically removed, but to have it bitten off in the back of a buick...

- "roberta", the transgendered former football player/bodyguard for "jenny fields" who happens to be...a nurse! (Johm Lithgow was great in the movie)

Anonymous said...

rats, shoulda known a new englander would be able to quote John Irving, maineiac. you ever read some of his earlier work? I'm thinking "water-method man" for some additional ouchy images.

And, sorry to be so "graphic", but where Bush is concerned, well, I just couldn't help myself. Poor Laura, maybe that's why she always looks so xanaxed out, that's the only way to deal with him. D.K.

Dada said... that previous comment, did I mean to say, "Limits I never doubted you wouldn't honor"? (You know me, double negatives is something, are something, I never can't handle.)

Anonymous said...

dada, as a computer programmer, i have to deal with double negative programs all the time (is zero not greater than zero or is it not?) but you are fast becoming impenetrable...

i can't post what i started to write in this paragraph, it's just too graphic, inflammatory and off the wall for public'll just have to use your imaginations in regards to homophobic republitards...

DK, the only irving i enjoyed was "garp", i got bored with "water method" and never finished it (but i vaguely remember the premise) and finished "hotel new hampshire" but didn't care for it...

Dada said...

Whoa! Pinch me if I'm wrong, but, but, isn't it.....WEEKEND! Well, I've enjoyed reading the comments in this thread. I don't always understand 'em, but I do spend extra time trying to.

Ah, Maineiac, like your comment (compliment?) re double negatives: " are fast becoming inpenetrable." (God, I certainly hope so!) Oh, and 'thank you!' Maineiac. (I THINK?)

My wife says this may be good, it may delay the onset of Alzheimer's, these challenging comments. So for that I thank you guys--even if I don't understand a flippin' thing you're saying to one another half the time.

(Can you tell I've been seeing more and more George Bush on the tube? Hey, I think I'm beginning to get the knack of this country bumpkin, self-depredating rube crap.)

"Careful. You never know what I might not have in my other hand behind my back."

Anonymous said...

dada, i agree that keeping one's mind sharp and active is a good way to offset the ravages of age...and this blogging and the digging into the meaning of the spirited comments does just that!

in regards to cars, isn't it awful how the marketing for the manufacturers is tapping into the things that were so important to us in our youth, especially with all the "retro" design and the huge amounts of horsepower you can now buy (for the price of a house 30 years ago!)

I think you can get the PT cruiser with a turbocharged engine? which gives it some of the thrilling zip while being relatively miserly on gas? i agree that the "route 66" style is attractive, but does anyone really need a 300/400/500 horsepower car??? it would be a blast to drive even if it had an electric engine...

Anonymous said...

sorry, I don't get the whole PT Cruiser thing. Must be a guy thing. But I always thought PT stood for something guys did NOT like. Maybe I'm mistaken here. And MUSTARD YELLOW? Dada, they will be able to see you comin' with one eye tied behind their back! Er, maybe this is what you want ... a showdown at the DC Corral? D.K.