My main concern here is: The solar motor and related parts must attach very securely to the front armature, such that the strong winter/spring winds don't separate the solar pieces from the Dish, blowing next door into my Republican neighbor's driveway when he's outside, striking him in the head and killing him.
My neighbor may be a conservative, but after living side by side for 20+ years, I still like the guy despite his extreme flaws, like his simplistic views against anything that smacks of socialism such as public schools, highways, social security, healthcare for all (even though he gets his from the government), etc. etc.
I love the Lady Liberty on the dish. Wow. Very cool.
Wow, this is eye-popping, Dada! Especially considering the concave nature of the dish, Miss Liberty really pops out. Your solar dilemma is intriguing. I'm sure the results will be, too.
LOVELY PAINTING!!!!!!!!!!!!! How coooooolll!!!!!!! I love the wild idea of decorating a dish antenna!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is this the start of your renaissance art career?!!!!! Hey Dada!!! You have to display your work at the galleryyyy!!!!!
Hope to hear from you soon =))
Lady Liberty shines in this dish......
and well if the wind should happen to set if afloat taking out a conservative neighbor, well accidents happen.
Just don't be seen flinging it like so many frisbees.
I love it...beautiful...
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