I'm not a religious person, but Iowans love affair with Mike Huckabee has me praying! After seven years of a president who talks to God and the results that has given us, please, please, if supporting Mike Huckabee, please think about what the fuck you're doing!
Do you need another four years with a man who equates environmentalism with pornography? Who connects gays and lesbians with necrophiliacs?
If you care about your lads and lasses, consider saving their asses. In the name of your saviour, Jesus Christ, I say, "Jesus Christ!"
I am sooo sick of Huck & Mitt, both pushing religion down my throat while claiming evolution is for idiots. Can I get an "awwww, christ, not again"?
Impeach Cheney Alert: tune in online for Wexler live on Blog Talk Radio TONIGHT @ 7PM MST. Links at my blog, or:
In that religious spirit, might I add a *Holy Crap*.
Seriously, I posted a few clips just for the sheer madness of it. Romney vying for religious souls, and Huckabee's crucifix bookcase stunt, while playing the "Silent Night" song.....
Sorry Mitt, you can't have my soul, I'm using it- but if people could make sure the votes are counted correctly, and the election is not tampered with, well that may just be the miracle we are all looking for.
Mitt would not know a soul if it was stuck to his shoe...and now ALL of them are trying to get Crosses in their ads, even McCain today has an ad out with a Cross drawn in the godammedmother effin sand...What the ??????HOLY CRAP? Do they really think Jesus is going to bail them out of the Hell they hath made ? well, I bet Jesus is not feeling so kindly about the mess he has made in HIS name....And Huckabee with his ConFusionism about Issues ranging from gay to environmentalism to liberalism....holy shit...I really am starting to think that they view it as the Cruxifixtion Credit Card- that Jesus died for THEIR sins, and JUST THEIR SINS....NO ONE ELSE"S.....and Therefore they can DO Whatever they want....
okay I will stop grumbling....but seriously....they make ads with a Cross and the forget to mention Peace On Earth....and Good Will to Men....I guess that is off Messege...
I am praying that the People in Iowa have brains and are as tired and pissed off as the rest of us...and they Vote with a Conscience....because the Repukes are a Bunch of Souless Wonders ( I mean who is worse- Rudy or Mitt- ??????God only knows....but I sure as hell don't want to Find out...)
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