Thursday, July 19, 2007

"I Believe Government Can’t Provide Affordable Health Care" george bush

Some talking points from president bush on why he cannot allow a $35 billion increase in the Children's Health Insurance Program:

"I believe government cannot provide affordable health care."
"I believe it would cause -- it would cause the quality of care to diminish."
"I believe there would be lines and rationing over time."
"If Congress continues to insist upon expanding health care through the S-CHIP program -- which, by the way, would entail a huge tax increase* for the American people -- I'll veto the bill."

So Bush says we can't afford the $35 billion over 5 years to provide health insurance for more of our nation's poorer children, yet we spend $36 billion every 3 weeks for war in the Middle East. Which explains why the U.S. ranks 37th in health care among the world's nations.

Thanks for sparing us the 61 cents/cigarette pack tax increase Bush. And to the children of America forgoing affordable health care, a word of thanks from Bush's tobacco, pharmaceutical, HMO and health insurance company interests!


Anonymous said...

Bush can't afford health care for children, of course he can't. But truth be known, all of the line items he mentioned are upgrades:

"I believe it would cause -- it would cause the quality of care to diminish."

>>>Any care at all would be an upgrade.

When you got nothing, you've got nothing TO diminish.

"I believe there would be lines and rationing over time."

>>> For those with no health care coverage whatsoever, even lines and rationing would be an improvement.

In closing, I'll quote a joke from David Letterman:

The Senate was debating the Iraq situation & one Senator was quoted as saying "If we pull the troops out now, there would be chaos in Iraq".

The punchline: Chaos would be an upgrade.

I know it's not a laughing matter, but damn- it's true.

Psychomikeo said...

All that $$$$$ for his war could of give all of us FREE health insurance.