Friday, June 01, 2007

Welcome CIA!

I've been reluctant to write this blog for a long, long time. But at the same time, I've been wanting to pause, give recognition to, and most of all "Welcome!" one of my most faithful readers.

But I didn't want to appear paranoid--or worse--totally nutso. That's because we have enough of those in the white house and congress leading the nation down a very nutso path based on their sociopathic disorders. That said, I feel it's time to step up and extend my appreciation to the CIA for their unfaltering visits to Dada's Dally.

While I appreciate the patronage, my underlying suspicion is that it is for the wrong reasons. What drives me toward this conclusion is the endless mundane content within these pages which, despite that fact, keep you coming back faithfully to read it. But that aside, thanks for coming by!

Oh, and I might mention one little thing I find great irony in. While you--the CIA--conduct and support covert operations of the anti-goverment elements in Iran to overthrow that regime, you also spend countless millions upon millions of dollars and hours covertly tracking and analyzing anti-government bloggers here to prop up a fascist government in this country.

That really confuses me because this blog and thousands of others like it are created by the most patriotic people in this nation. It's a terrible, terrible waste of CIA time, not to mention my tax dollars that are going towards paying for this covert surveillance of--all people--me!

So continue to drop by if you must. I can't promise it will get any better than it's been, but know I appreciate you spending time here and I promise to keep you in mind as I write these pages. Trust me, I do. But I'm not being paranoid, honest. Just very cautious in what I write. Credit my strong self-preservation instinct I guess.


Anonymous said...

Oh, it's probably Mr Slamdunk himself. You know he gets lonely late at night with only that cold Medal of Freedom to keep him warm. That's when he starts trolling blogs, hoping to find someone who doesn't remember seeing his bloated face right there at the UN handing Powell those little vials that scared the shit out us. At least my hard-earned dollars won't go to purchase his book. You're not nutz Dada, of that I'm sure. ~~ D.K.

PTCruiser said...

That's nice. What I like to do is leave a glass of milk and some cookies out for them.

Dada said...

d.k. - thanks for reaffirming my sanity.

pt - milk and cookies - great idea, in return for the cookies they leave me. Another nice gesture is to surf over to their place in VA via internet occasionally and spend a little time visiting them at their place as a kind of return "courtesy."

Psychomikeo said...

The CIA says thanx & their buying chips for everyone...unsalted, unbaked,unfried RFID chips.

Lead paint stops RFID chips that's why "they" say it's bad for you...

eProf2 said...

Thanks be to Bush and his war of fear: Be afraid, very afraid!

Continue your writing, rants, and vents. They're good for the soul and for your friends.

Anonymous said...

Kind of reminds me of Arlo Guthrie's Alice's Restaurant story. You just know somewhere, there are 8x10 glossy photos in a file with your name on it. But your comment rings true... the people who have great disdain for the current Gvmnt practices (criminal acts violating both the US Constitution & International Laws) are amongst some of the most patriotic. It is because we love this country, that the lawless, out of control current government practices are so offensive. The Bush admin stopped short of running the Constitution through an industrial shredder, wholesale- but for all practical purposes, they have done just that.
Put that in your file, CIA.

azgoddess said...

ahh, come on now -- some of them people's in the CIA can be nice people' long as they're not jacking off to my blog -- they're more than