Wednesday, June 06, 2007

The nuclear balls of steel boys

Our next president's (?) thoughts on nuking Iran:

Rudy Giuliani: "You shouldn't take any options off the table."

Mitt Romney: "You don't take options off the table."


Psychomikeo said...

I'll be sure to never eat at their tables

Dada said...

Ah, damn! You would have been a real stumper when they played "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?"

Anonymous said...

offtopic & late to dinner: I keep hearing about Mitt Romney's "Adonis" type looks. You managed to find a picture in which he resembles Jeb Bush. Now, remembering Mitt's grandpappy's polyg behavior, d'ya think? AND he also talks to god, doesn't drink & has to constantly explain what he meant to say. Coincidence, or crap? ~~ D.K.