(Caution: Contains graphic images. May not be suitable for younger readers.)

Thought I'd take a moment to reflect on what it means to be an American this time of year. First of all, I'd like to thank a group of University of Oregon students in Eugene for constructing this giant American flag. And, as I suspect, if this flag is made from cans donated from our Oil Tanker secretary of state's backyard, I'd like to also express my appreciation to Condoleezza Rice for recycling. Used oil barrels transformed into the stars and stripes is a thing of beauty and much inspiration.

Oh what's not to love about Christmas time of year? One need only walk around the neighborhood after dusk to discover whole worlds of elves and trolls coming to life, working their season's magic upon the darkness of night. It really does make one smile. Even if one doesn't feel like it. But just as enchanting as the nighttime becomes around the 'hood, there's that one-time startling moment the day after that inevitably jumps out at me this time of year as well.

It was a couple of weeks ago on one of my morning walks with the new dog, "Sammy Cincos", that we came across a ghastly scene. In the front of a neighbor's house was a yard littered with bodies! A dead Santa, snowman, multiple reindeer -- all lying slaughtered in the winter grass. It was like discovering the aftermath of a nighttime fire fight just hours afterward in the first light of day. It looked like the F-16's had been called in for support too. In reminiscence of a Ramadi massacre, this is what I saw.
But these are just inflatable snowmen, reindeer and Santa that come to life each night when they are blown up. Unlike the *real* Santa's convoying in their "sleds" down Iraqi highways who don't spring to life when they get blown up. They die instead.

This is a picture of one of those Santas in Iraq I received sometime within the past week. It was sent to us as a kind of Christmas card. (I've altered it for obvious reasons, i.e., I didn't get permission to print it before publishing it here on the blog.) But, trust me, it's an authentic photo of an American *Santa Claus* taken from somewhere inside Iraq a few days earlier (I'll not reveal where--not so much to protect the innocent, as to protect my ass--but rest assured, it's an authentic "Merry Christmas" photo. I also edited out the person Santa had his other arm around who sent it. Ah, that'd be the arm without the high powered automatic rifle.)
But as I reflected on the two images over the next day or so, I thought they made an interesting contrast in imagery and, taken collectively, provide an excellent collage of who we, as Americans, are today.
The first image, one of contemporary American Christmas lawn ornaments showing a collapsed Santa, reindeer and snowmen--they're all across America, purchased at any Wal-Mart, Lowe's, Home Depot, etc.--lying dead and lifeless by day until blown up at night. This juxtaposed with Santas in Iraq spreading cheer behind high powered rifles, so vibrant and alive by day, until suddenly blown up on some Iraqi roadside.
How cosmic is that? With tens of thousands of collapsed-by-day plastic purveyors of the joyous meaning of the season littering the yards of America, while in Iraq lie tens of thousands of collapsed Iraqi men, women and children, many blown up while sleeping in their homes at night.
And somehow I suspect it's gonna get even better come the new year. So I think this is an excellent time to stop and reflect upon the meaning of Christmas, peace on Earth, good will to men, and all that other meaningless bullshit America clings to. Peach on Earth, goodwill to men is truly a grand delusion.
To the Santas in Iraq I wish for you, that you could lay down your weapons. To give Iraqis the best gift possible. Your absence! Just leave! There are millions of us back home who would welcome you in your red Christmas suits. And you wouldn't need to carry a fucking assault weapon to spread the season's cheer to little innocent children!
Please come home soon. Merry Christmas!
I've been spying all these deflated xmas dolls on lawns each morning, too. I wondered, does Santa come by each night & inflate them? They look so fat & happy, all lit up with joy, as we stroll around at night. But just like the movie Groundhog Day, they are forever reliving the same nightmare each morning ... when our dogs feel compelled to pee on them as we pass. Apparently, Sammy Cincos is better behaved than our territorial delinquents who look upon these husks as invaders that must be vanquished.
That soldierly santa with his gun was a powerful image. I hope he wasn't handing out american goodies to iraqi kiddies dressed like that. Yikes!
I wish a peaceful Christmas to all, especially Mr & Mrs Dada & Sammy V. I still believe people have the power to wrestle the earth from fools. We have to. One peaceful day at a time. ~~ D.K.
Dada!!! What a sweet man you are. I just read of your “secret” xmas present at Enigma’s. I’m all teary-eyed & we all know I HATE to sob up. Why, that’s just the nicest, most thoughtful thing. And yet over here you’re saying xmas is meaningless? Why, you old softie, you!
However, and BUT (big BUT) … the well-intentioned giver of a new xmas puppy must first ensure the person has time & space. That the person isn’t happier being the sort of rude friend who prefers to come over to YOUR house and play with YOUR dog because of the freedom to just walk away knowing the dog has the best possible home. That the person knows they can be long-winded, short-tempered & inconsistent & fears that is not a good environment for a new dog.
Also (sticking with the animal analogies), remember you can bring a mare to water, but you can’t force her to learn computer intricacies. I know, I know you’re just trying to encourage me to spread my wings. And I appreciate the push in that direction. Really, truly. Hell, someday I may consider jumping out of the comfortable kangaroo pouch. The future has a way of surprising us all. Sometimes it’s even a good surprise. (wow, see what I mean about teary-eyed?) Until then, just know how much the thought meant to me. ~~ D.K.
Okay so I just read this great post...and then being well mannered..well trying to be...I read the comments first just like I always do..." secret present over at Enigma's"..hmmmm, I think I missed something.....
I am going to have to go back to my own blog and try to figure this out....
Now about the post..BTW- great post...hit the nail right on the Santa head....I love the pictures too, kind of says it all.
I do believe that we will get the troops home and wrestle power from the scum in DC, I also think it will be a long year...and protests...but that is okay.It's godamned time...
I am hoping you and the MRS. and the Sammy V have a wonderul Holiday.....in spite of the shitheads in power...okay..
( Hmm DK your dogs pee on the dead XMAS dolls...
maybe we all need to go to DC and let our animals pee on the Whitehouse..you know send a messege...can't believe I said that...)
Okay I just went back and tried to find the Secret XMAS gift...hmmm, it must be really secret...I can't find it...I do know having come to my blog...visit and sit for a spell is always so nice...your insights, your humor, your wisdom..maybe that is the gift...
Thank you for helping keep the Blogatopia storming the Castle...
enigma, it was under your John & June Cash video. maybe just seeing that & then reading the comment was what got me all teary-eyed? One thing's for sure, sobbing does NOT enhance brain function.
dada, your pool escapade has launched a whole martini pool theme at gay agenda! it seems everyone wants in the act. maybe you will understand some of the arcane greek artistic references & can explain them to pursey. EK is in the audience, laughing his arse off ~~ D.K.
Oh, no sobbing...Oh dear sweetie...it must be some comment....Earthlink is dropping comments , so I don't get them all...But if it a heartbreaker I need to go read it...
The June and John video makes me cry anyways...I mean the way they look at each other...wow...if I could ever ever have that,....
Dear Dada, I walked down to the square today and I saw a headless Santa and I thought of your delfated murdered Santas...hmm, do the deflated Santas go to Heaven?
Dada ...I left you and DK a messege over at June and John post...all I know is that it is Christmas and that Blogland is not just a place where geeky folks hang and bash bush...it is more than that...
It is about Souls Connecting...and taking care of each other...and making the world a little better...
And yeah, maybe writers too...because inside each of us...there is a Writer...someone with a Story to tell...
and the Stories overlap and connect us like fine threads on a tapestry...
Much love to you, and Mrs, Dada, and Dr and MrDK and Sammy5 ....and Mel too..and other fine folks that come here....
(and yeah, I know somewhere out there there is a "John" who would look at me that way....I know it...cause It is out there....Love._)
Dude, your neighborhood looks like The Killing Fields. Merry XMas to you and yours.
PT - Amen, but I take great comfort we, here in El Paso, are not alone. This whole fucking nation looks like the killing fields, doesn't it?
I was just over at BuzzFlash.com
reading "They Thought They Were Free." The proof 21st Century Fascist America is 20th Century Nazi Germany is practically "Q.E.D."!
In his book, Milton Mayer quotes a former Nazi after the war:
"The world you live in - your nation, your people - is not the world you were in at all. The forms are all there, all untouched, all reassuring, the houses, the shops, the jobs, the mealtimes, the visits, the concerts, the cinema, the holidays. But the spirit, which you never noticed because you made the lifelong mistake of identifying it with the forms, is changed. Now you live in a world of hate and fear, and the people who hate and fear do not even know it themselves; when everyone is transformed, no one is transformed. Now you live in a system which rules without responsibility even to God." ...
And while I dearly appreciate all the fellow bloggers here whose malady it is to suffer lucidity while the nation goes Xmas shopping in malls and transits hiways and airports reuniting with distant loved ones to celebrate Peace on Earth while out on our front lawns every night we blow up vinyl Santas, the real fuckin' America to others around the world has the face of Santa with a machine gun blowin' people the fuck away.
Oh well, next up: New Years!!!
d.k., enigma. I'm sorry. What's that old acronym, "GIGO"? Garbage in, garbage out. I made the mistake of reading over at Buzzflash this fine morning after Christmas and my comment in response to PT (my apologies to you also, PT) wasn't especially cheery and kind. (But what's sad is, it wasn't garbage either.)
But it certainly perverted the comments made here in the real spirit of Christmas. And for that I apologize. Thank you for the very nice wishes.
Well, Dada...No apologies needed...DK and I obviously since we Are Women of Substance ( ahem, which is obvious if you saw our pageant entries over at the GA).....now that being said, we get well, too sentimental sometimes....think about Things that Matter. ( God Forbid we should still do so with the Dick and the Chimp at the Helm of the Condasleeza Titanic) Things that matter being like June & John up in heaven ...and men in kilts.... ooops I digress...
Anyways my point is we were Off Subject...sorry...But the bigger point is in an odd way it is all connected...DK and I both, I think were still trying to find the LOVE in the moment and even in Christmas..and instead WTF are we left with ??? A bunch of people who Blow Up Their Christmas Sentiments on their lawns- so others can see ? and a Bunch of Leaders who are well decorated ALL THE TIME and WHO ARE FULL OF HOT AIR AND EMPTINESS....making bad decisions like TRUE NAZI"s putting GI JOE Santas Complete with machine guns in Foriegn countries to scare the fuck out of people in true Get-your-Christian-On Warmongering style....
So You and PT are dead on...and please do excuse DK and for trying to get Our Christmas Spirit on...
But know this - we are still your Let's-Kick-this Fucking-Regime-Out -of -DC -Red-Haired -Lassies.....
( Great Nazi quote above BTW...which I guess did answer my question ...there is NO Heaven for the Dead Deflated Santas....I didn't think so)
well, just a tad more on the off-topic, if you don't mind? Enigma, it's very comforting to know someone has my back here in blogland. That if I really F-Up, you'll try to ameliorate the damage. I probably wouldn't have had the nerve to go back here & try to explain it all to Dada. You're right, it certainly is connected somehow. Thank goodness you saw through to the core. And thank goodness for those Men In Kilts (yes, the real men out there who know there will be no peace in world with bushwarheads in charge).
but, as you can see, the xmas emotions have now exited my head (along with the sugarplums & dead deflated santas) & I'm left with the same rage against the regime and disgust with gormless dems and fear of ever-expanding war and ever-decreasing quality of life. aaaah weeel, it was nice while it lasted. And Dada, thanks for putting up with the sentimentality. Now, I think I'll take the dogs out for one last attempt at turning the neighbor's nativity display into true piss-christ-art. ~~ D.K.
Hey....who minds "off topic" when you have such a great thread going? I confess, however, I'm don't understand any of this deeply subjective, esoterica...but that's OK!
I enjoy reading the melding of minds going on herein, even if I don't know what it's all about. (I did get the part about the dogs peeing on dead santas, however. Wow...is that a name for a rock band? "Pee stained Santas"? I think as a little kid I may have peed on a live santa once.)
dada, what is deeply subjective (or esoteric) about dog pee? Yes, a rock band!!! Deeply Subjective must be the lead singer. Esoteric? hmmm, can't think which band member that might be, it's too esot .... oh no, stop me before I relive bush & his sovereign nations BS! And I'm sure you weren't the only one who peed on santa's knee. His knee was always damp. If it wasn't from kid urine, it was his own, brought on by too much rot-gut-whiskey he'd slipped out & bought at the stop'n'go next door. Bad Santa! (OK, I'll stop now, he's been properly chastised & I've had a head-cold relapse & need to quarantine myself quick) ~~ D.K.
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