Friday, July 14, 2006

A tough act to follow.

From Amy Goodman's Democracy Now! this morning, came a revelation from Ron Suskind, investigative journalist and author of his latest book, "The One Percent Doctrine." Suskind revealed vice president Cheney is referred to as "Edgar" inside the CIA. Amy asked him why:

AMY GOODMAN: Why does the CIA call Cheney “Edgar”?

RON SUSKIND: Well, that's one of the nicknames inside of CIA for the Vice President, Edgar Bergen. I guess you all are old enough to know who that is -- some younger listeners of yours may not be -- the famous ventriloquist and his puppet Charlie McCarthy. Look, there are lots of nicknames. This one is nasty and probably half-true. People inside of CIA and inside of other parts of the government saw early on that the way these two men worked, Cheney and Bush, is that Cheney essentially is the global thinker of the pair. He's created an architecture, a platform of sorts, in which George Bush can be George Bush and still be president.

Here then, for any readers unfamiliar with Edgar Bergman is an early photo.

Please note, however, that is not Charlie McCarthy in the picture with Bergman. (Charlie was the smart dummy.) No, Bergman is pictured here with Mortimer Snerd, the retarded dummy.


Goody said...

Funny, I always thought of them as "Pinky and the Brain."

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking Pinky?"
"Your evil plot to take over the world?"

-But "Edgar" is pretty good too.

enigma4ever said...

oh my Pinky and the Brain is a great comparison too...
but I guess that the CIA so cleverly came up with Edgar speaks volumes....and I guess we know where Dick's hands are at ALL times .....

It is too bad he can't better control what falls out of Lil'Georgie's mouth ?

Anonymous said...

Who knew the CIA was so clever. Perhaps there's even a dual reference here, since the first thing I thought of was "J. Edgar Hoover". yes, who in this whole administration operates more like the shadowy muck-file-keeper himself than dirty dick.

Enigma: "where Dick's hands are at ALL times"! I assume you meant stuffed in through little georgie's neck to operate his head & mouth. Because (gulp) to think otherwise would imply something untoward about his vigorous pursuit of the gay amendment. D.K.