God help the dumb American sumbitches whose memories don't extend back as far as our pre-war "diplomacy" lead-up to our current post-war endless Iraq quagmire; if we haven't learned our miserable Bush "diplomacy" lessons that have resulted in the empire busting bankruptcy of America as we prepare to embark on a Xerox copy of yet another miserable tail-chasing fiasco, this time in Iran. How many more of these misadventures can your great grandkids afford fellow Americans?
Oh, but fear not, I'm sure we'll all be seeing this story over and over again in the next day or so on all US news stations. (For you of slow wits, I'm just bullshitting here, okay?)
Here then, briefly, is the first lines of an e-mail I just received from Information Clearing House:
"Turkish Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul said Sunday that his country refused a request from the United States to attack Iran from its Air Force base in Incirlik, despite the U.S. offer of a nuclear reactor, according to a report in Al Biyan."
Could it be that the goddamned Turks are smarter than we think they are? I mean, here's the US planning to nuke Iran because they're developing nuclear power and we're offering, as incentive to Turkey, nuclear power if we can launch our nuking of Iran from our Turkish air base there?
Maybe, just maybe, unlike the US which seems continually "historically challenged", the Turks remember Don Rumsfeld in the 80's as he went to Iraq, met with Saddam, embraced him as he was slipping US weapons of mass destruction into his back pockets. Those same weapons of mass destruction we would later use as justification to destroy Hussein and demolish his nation because "they have weapons of mass destruction"?
And don't forget it was Turkey that denied us use of their precious "air space" for the initial shock'n'awe phase of Iraq. When we asked them to name their price to allow us to launch our ground phase fom Turkey, didn't they tell us if you have to ask, you can't afford it? So, now we're offering NUKES? OMG!!! Well dada, I hope your source is correct that they again turned us down. But like a scorned suitor become obsessive, what will we offer next? Face it, they're just not that into the insane whacko freak team, self-styled armageddonists running this diplomatic nightmare. [P.S. any suggestions for a secure hideout this summer? It's suddenly sounding too real.]---D.K.
I don't know D.K. Are you thinking like we're thinking? If such a secure hideout exists, it no longer exists in this country?
The U.S. is offering to help Turkey build a nuclear reactor, not nuclear bombs (the U.S. actually already has nuclear bombs in Turkey slated for delivery to the Turkish Air Force in the case of Nuclear War).
Turkey is heavily dependent on energy imports from Iran and Russia. This past winter as Anatolia experienced record lows, Iran cut natural gas exports to Turkey by 70% because of "supply shortages."
This offer to build nuclear reactors is not a bribe to get Turkey to let the U.S. use their airspace, but rather an attempt to help reduce Turkey's dependency on Russia & Iran.
re: above ... So on the one hand, we're being told No Nuclear Reactors for Iran (which also has a very cozy relationship with Russia) cuz reactors can lead to bombs. But let's set one up for Turkey to help them reduce dependency? I know Turkey didn't just elect a nut-job leader, but it's still in that same volatile area we are constantly being told to fear. Plus a long-standing tradition of not-so-secret trading of technology with other "enemies of America". Sorry, I can't follow the logic. Still smells like a bribe, albeit hidden behind the fug of helpfulness for a country which could be useful to us shortly (as opposed to helping in Darfur which we have no use for at the moment).
And if we already have nuke bombs located "in Turkey slated for delivery to the Turkish Air Force" ... well, I hope that's not intended to make me feel more secure. I'm thinking these freaks just won't feel satisfied until they light the whole world up like a candle. D.K.
Oh okay, I'm glad you cleared this up for me. So, nuclear energy does NOT necessarily have to mean nuclear weapons, but instead can be used to further one's energy mix in times of declining resources? How wonderful the Iranians seem to understand this but, sadly, the Turks and Americans don't.
(Actually, that's hyperbole, i.e., Turkey has been planning for a nuclear plant since 1996, and the US appears to be the sole determiner of what constitutes nuclear power for peaceful purposes and what constitutes nuclear for aggressive purposes, save for its own arsenal.)
As for Turkey already having nuclear warheads deployed on their soil, they're still property of the US who is sole arbiter of if or when we "loan" the Turks use of them.
Do you get any sense at all of the dripping hypocrisy of US policy as it imposes its "morality" on the rest of the world? I kinda seem to. Maybe the Turks do too. At least that's how it appears in that they'd rather 'freeze than please' Uncle Sam.
Most probably Anon, because we have a memory of 'convenience'...i.e., if it serves us to remember we do, if not, we forget?
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