Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Bad Moon Rising?

I'm working on another post to blog, but I can't seem to keep my mind on it. I don't know if anyone's familiar with the show from a couple seasons ago called, "Joan of Arcadia," but I had one of those Joan moments today in the store. And it's left me a little unsettled because, just like Joan, I may have had a 'god' moment.

I'm not particularly superstitious. Oh, there's little synchronicities that happen regularly that catch my attention. And there's that very recurring number "37" always popping up at the most unexpected times. (Apparently, there's some scientific "pooh-pooh" explanation for this, but I haven't totally bought it. Not yet anyway.)

Well, for those unfamiliar with Joan of Arcadia, she keeps encountering god, in many disguises of ordinary people. And he's always trying to impart some advice to her or guide her towards doing something. Something she's often disinclined to do. But, you know, it's god, and who can argue with god, right? So she usually ends up doing his will, but not without being very pissed.

Anyway, I encountered god in the produce section this morning as I was bagging up red delicious apples. And I digress, but I feel the need to explain my failure to capitalize his name. It's just a result of my agnosticism. (Much the same reason I never capitalize Bush's title either.)

But back to god. I first spotted him at a distance, coming down the aisle towards me. Nothing unusual except when our eyes met then parted, I felt compelled to take a second look. He returned the glance and I saw his eyes widen and his expression change. A hint of smile appeared. He obviously wasn't buying groceries but carrying a small canvas bag strapped over his shoulder, like maybe he was shop lifting something instead.

But as he passed by with pleasant expression he said, "Take care of yourself." That was it. A total stranger cautioning me to take care of myself. Dumbfounded, he was past before I could think of a response. But I turned and, over my shoulder said, "Ah, thanks, you too."

That was it. That was my "Joan of Arcadia" moment with god. I didn't think much of it but later in the morning, remembering that encounter, I mentioned it to my wife. She's not particularly superstitious either, so her reaction surprised me. She took it as a portent of trouble ahead.


Anonymous said...

Maybe you're feeling a little queasy because the infamous Ides of March are coming up next week? In my life, it's November & that goes back to WAY before I ever heard of compromised elections. And we're not superstitious at all, but every year my husband & I almost hide during November as if we could avoid catastrophe that way. So I understand, even though I've never had a god encounter, much less sage advice in the grocery store, I understand. Sometimes little details can gnaw at your mind, but eventually you'll find the key to that eureka moment. D.K.

enigma4ever said...

I don't think it was bad portent...I think sometimes people are just gentler with each other, we are living through hard times...and maybe you looked tired or worried, and a soul was being kind to you....

or maybe it is like DK...said shakey times...November for her...April is my hellish month...everyone has a month they hibernate....

( hell, at this rate I would hide year round...)

Dada said...

Yeh, you guys are probably right. It wasn't a big deal. Sometimes you meet a stranger and both of you sense about each something beyond your chance encounter. Maybe you each have a look that appeals to or repulses the other such that you both have to take a second glance. Maybe its a hint about reincarnation. Or maybe, as I've already conjectured, it was just god with a reminder.

As for least favorite months, I can't say as I have a favorite(?). I've always hated Augusts, but that's because it's the end of summer, back to school. Much like Sundays, particularly the later it got, because it meant back to school. (And homework I'd put off doing all weekend.)

p.s. Pony had her best night in many, many nights. And thank you both for the diet hints. We may be revisiting the vet tomorrow or Friday, depending on how it's going, but I've definitely noted your suggestions.

Anonymous said...

I share enigma's viewpoint on that interesting encounter, dada...it might be just my own new outlook on thngs but there appears to be a collective unease about these times and the prospects for the future, that is made better by letting a complete stranger know that he is not alone and we're all in this together...little, unexpected courtesies in the grocery store and even behind the wheel... pleasantries exchanged with the clerks and average joes and janes that we encounter as we go about their lives...not really anything that needs a lot of significance attached to it, but reassuring in its own small way...

enigma4ever said...

Wow Maine Friend that was so well put...thanks for saying that..I am glad that you are feeling better...

enigma4ever said...

well, in typical dyslexic fashion- I just went back and read your Pony update...I am so glad that she is doing better...so good..

Dada said...

Okay, okay....it's beginning to look like you guys may be right. I was just being overly sensitive.

Just received the results of blood tests I had at last Friday. That was about the only thing I could think of as some portension of something bad that may have prompted "god" to advise, "Take care of yourself."

But everything looks pretty good. And I agree with e4e Maineiac, you way-layed most of my edginess by the way you put it.

Okay, back to damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!

Oh, and, yes e4e, pony IS doing better. Lies down on her own now and sleeps well. She still shows signs of stress though, but I just talked to vet and we're going to continue to wean her off meds before doing more blood tests.