We all know what happens to the cat whose master gets frustrated, becomes angry or so extremely pissed at someone who reveals he, mister master, has placed himself in an awkward or embarrassing situation. Or been proven wrong, or who has been caught flat out lying to someone he claims to only want the best for or he wants to protect.
An angry leg may give a sudden and violent jerk forward and upward launching unsuspecting and trustful feline companions skyward.
In light of recent questions, answers and the ensuing revelations, one has to ask themselves, "Who's cat would I least like to be?"
As Senator Barbara Boxer points out, President Bush admitted to an "impeachable offense" when he said he authorized the National Security Agency to spy on Americans.
Of course, this isn't the first dangerous situation for a feline in the White House. The history of stacking cooked intelligence to dupe Americans to war, violating international treaties, torturing and denying it, election thefts, ignoring pre-9/11 daily briefings, robbing the Treasury blind through no-bid contracts given companies well connected to administration insiders, statements of support for indicted supporters like DeLay, Libby, etc. etc. There isn't space enough for the litany here.
Fortunately, many of the aforementioned situations, however, proved innocuous for the White House felines of Bush and Cheney because of our neutered media that never dug its claws into these outrages. But still, I wouldn't want to be one of the prez or veep's animal companions these days, because there have been some tense public reactions by both of late and, while one can only hope for more, it has to strike fear in every animal lover's heart for the safety of the White House kitties.
Or what about Scott McClellan's feline? Having to face Helen Thomas and an increasingly cantankerous press corps with some of the worst examples of double-speak and truth evading answers Dada's ever seen by a public official, has me praying McClellan does NOT own a cat, because the sentence for extreme animal abuse alone would be enough to take poor Scottie off the streets for some time.
Some New York Times people are probably endangering their cats as well nowadays. Like whoever at The Times was responsible for "rah-rahing" us into the war behind the reporting of their neocon awestruck Judith Miller and blindfolded, bloodthirsting Thomas Friedman. Or whoever up there at the Times--at the administration's request--sat on the story for a year of Bush's going outside the constitution to spy on us has to be on a potential animal abuser list as well.
Oh geez, the list is long. How'd you like to take your kitty kibble in the DeLay household? Or have your kitty litter box at the Frist home? Boy, not me!
Just thinking about it makes one realize there's probably a lot more animal abuse going on behind the doors of our nation's most 'upstanding' citizens these days than you or I or the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals would care to admit, much less even want to know about. It would probably require us to take some kind of legal action against 'em and, God only knows, that's the last thing it seems anyone wants to do.
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