Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Grovelling Lieberman

Excuse me if I rant for a second. I'll try to keep it short.

When I come to this blog to post something, know that I've taken my Prozac, practiced my deep breathing exercises for at least an hour and meditated the day before. That's to say, my entries herein are extremely tempered, reflective and (hopefully) logical--most of the time.

But there are events and persons in the news that keep me returning to this Universe daily, if for no other reason than to remind me of the prevalence of insanity that exists here. As a result, my posts on this blog are in almost total contradiction to the anarchy and mayhem going on inside my brain as caused by my visits to "Whacko World". Occasionally I slip, give into the madness. Hints of this appear in an occasional blog.

Well, having said that, I'd like to post my tribute to Democratic senator, Joe Lieberman. He's one of those people that has the ability to send me beyond the borders of logic and reason. To that Universe beyond mental health, just next door to the one in which I try to spend most of my time. Okay, having qualified myself, let us hoist a glass to Senator Joseph Lieberman.

Lieberman is a penishead! As a reminder, this is the weasel Al Gore chose as his running mate in 2000. In an attempt to lick the boots of the right, Gore chose a boot licking right-wing penishead posing as a Democrat. (Recall Al Gore placating the Florida Cuban vote by supporting radical Cuban ex-patriots advocating destruction of family values to uphold their extremist political values. Elian Gonzalez was their football from which they got a lot of good kicks.)

Well, it's pretty obvious I hold some passionate opinions about Sen. Lieberman. I really shouldn't be blogging about him now. I didn't do my breathing exercises first. There are hints of foam in the corners of my mouth. It was his recent photo ops on TV praising the Iraq war responsible for my current rabid state.

I have since learned the reason for Lieberman's re-emergence into the limelight. Secretary of Defense Don Rumsfeld is rumored to be talking retirement. Leaving the state of the nation's military at the apex of success it's now enjoying in Iraq, his successors are lining up. One of those is--Ta dah!--Sen. Joe Lieberman. NOW we know the why-for of his latest praise for the Iraq war that began me hyperventilating. Joe's licking the administration's boots in hopes of getting the nomination to be Rumsfeld's replacement.

Well, chances of that appear slim and none. But hey, this is that parallel Universe. Whacko World. Stranger things happen. But Lieberman appears clueless as to his chances. If he couldn't be Vice President under Al Gore, Secretary of Defense under George Bush would be fine.

So Lieberman who's spent a political career grovelling to the opposition party is doing it again. Licking boots. Saying, "Pick me! Oooh, please, pick ME!" It's one of the great traits of great penisheads.

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