I've been out of the loop the past few days with a very ill greyhound, hence, I haven't been here to blog quite as often as I'd like. "Annie" has been diagnosed with kidney disease, arthritis and it appears she may have some nerve damage to a back leg. Walking for her has become a major chore which she courageously attempts only a couple of times per day when a trip outside is required.
Her appetite is also down, so she is getting a special diet. One thing she will eat is boiled chicken breasts. They're boneless and skinless and mentioning that reminds me of Congressional Democratic leadership.
As we all know, former hawkish Democratic Congressman John Murtha of Pennsylvania said on Thursday: "It is time for a change in direction. Our military is suffering. The future of our country is at risk. We cannot continue on the present course. It is evident that continued military action in Iraq is not in the best interest of the United States of America, the Iraq people or the Persian Gulf region." He called for the immediate withdrawal of US troops. He ignited quite a storm in the House.
But it was the reaction to Murtha's call for withdrawal from Iraq by his own party's leadership that left me shaking my head. See, House minority leader Nancy Pelosi, in an effort to distance herself from such extremism said: "Mr. Murtha speaks for himself,” while Senate Minority Harry Reid was even bolder saying: "I don't support immediate withdrawal."
Perhaps the Democratic leadership is waiting for the Republicans to suggest we get out of Iraq. Perhaps the Democrats leadership is nothing but skinless, boneless chickens?
Enigma4ever here- I hope Annie is okay- and bless you for fixing her chicken. My Bassatt had kidney disease I fixed her alot of chicken and rice for five years...I know that you lovely lady is getting good care....and yes, the boneless chicken comparison is priceless,,,kind of reminds me of that old Boneless Chicken Farm cartoon...
Thanks rkr and e4e for the kind thoughts. We managed to keep her home this weekend w/o a trip to the vet. (The last trip really undid her.) This means, we'll be heading back Mon. or Tues. for more X-rays. For the most part, Annie's resting fairly comfortably. Appreciate the kind thoughts.
When wondering what to have for dinner last eve, I suggested to the wife, "Well, we have lots of chicken." She didn't appreciate it all that much--she's a vegetarian. (grin)
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