Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Letter to the editor I wish I'd written

From today's El Paso Times letters to the editor:

GOP cuts

First lady Laura Bush's revelation that her husband is aware of the vulnerability of the poor is especially poignant on the day the GOP proposes further cuts to food stamps and Medicaid programs.

I never gave him credit for knowing the plight of the poor and just assumed his disregard to their needs was a result of ignorance. Now we know the disregard is deliberate.

Marcos Velarde
East El Paso

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I suggest the creation of a permanent solution to this problem: develop and populate a "Barbara Bush & Family Dome." A "Bushdome" where the underprivileged without adequate nutrition and health care can be housed and have things "work out pretty well for them." Every major city can have one and the Bushdomes could be paid for with trickle down tax cuts.