Monday, September 19, 2005

A few notes in reaction to Monday's news.

Remember just a week or two ago when the talking point seemed to be, "It's too early to be playing the 'blame game'," as to why tens of thousands of stranded folks in New Orleans couldn't even get a freakin' bottle of water from the government that was no where in sight? Well, it appears from today's news, it's now time to play the 'blame game'. The following is from Democracy Now's headlines of today:

White House Tries To Blame Flooding on Environmentalists

The Mississippi Clarion Ledger is reporting that it has obtained internal emails from the Justice Department that indicates the Bush administration may be seeking to blame the flooding caused by Hurricane Katrina on environmentalists. The Justice Department is seeking information from various U.S. attorneys' offices on whether they have defended any cases involving environmental groups seeking to block the Army Corps of Engineers from working on the levees around New Orleans.

Remember, president Bush promised to conduct his own investigation into who's responsible for the tragedy in which so many died. Why do I suspect it'll all be the fault of environmentalists or, as one radio talk show host with a history of drug abuse claimed, "Clinton!"

And don't forget, it was Bush who diverted $1/4 billion from levee reinforcement around New Orleans to help finance his wars for global supremacy.

But, okay, let's suppose it's all Clinton's and the environmentalist's fault for Katrina. That STILL doesn't explain why our government can't get a fuckin' bottle of water to a thirsty survivor on the ground in New Orleans. Or why Bush continued vacationing two days after the storm hit. Why Cheney was vacationing in Wyoming even longer, or Condoleezza "oil tanker" Rice was buying shoes in NYC and attending Monty Python on Broadway while many people of her race were gasping their last breaths of air in their flooding attics.

But back to talk show hosts, how many of you caught Fox News host Bill O'Reilly's Sept. 13th explanation for so many suffering and dying in the streets of New Orleans? According to Bill, it's because those that stayed are hapless dopers, hence, they didn't leave when told to evacuate because they refused to abandon their source for drugs. Oh, and also, "They were thugs," O'Reilly added.

But back to the blame game which was banned by president Bush and the head of FEMA, as well as presidential press secretary Scott McClellan, and everyone else who bothered to read the neocon talking points bulletin. So now that Katrina looks to be the responsibility of those damned environmentalists and Slick Willy, what's the new game in DC? I think Scott McClellan unveiled it today in his press conference.

Refusing to answer reporter's questions several times by responding, "That's a 'What if?' question and I refuse to answer that." He employed this on several occasions with different reporters until he had the press corps laughing, while Dada watched in disbelief, gagging. It's obvious from today's press conference, the press is returning to its pre-Katrina slumbers--in the White House's bedroom.

Interesting that Hugo Chavez, president of Venezuela, had the first of an extensive two part interview with Amy Goodman (and Juan Gonzalez) on Democracy Now! today. Chavez is the subject of a Fatwa by Christian leader Pat Robertson and our Defense Secretary calling him a threat to the area on a recent tour of South American countries. You can bet that if Rumsfeld has an enemies list, Amy Goodman moved up a few notches as a result of today's and tomorrow's DN!

Finally, I'm getting a little tired of foreign media's shock at the total ineptitude of the U.S.'s handling of Katrina; of the poverty that exists here, of the racism they saw. To them I say: "Duh!" Get a clue. This is the 21st Century. The American Century--the 20th Century--ended December 10, 2000. So, to Le Monde, The Guardian, etc., I say, "Wake up!" This is America. We've always had bigotry (for examples, see remarks of the president's mama, Barbara Bush), racism, poverty. It's only appropriate with a new century (a new millenium) we should be delivered a leader to expedite America's absolute decline and fall.

Welcome to the 21st Century and the new budding global super power--China! It's now the Chinese Century. (NOTE: To those Americans who doubt me, just look at the bottom of any item purchased in Wal-Mart to see where it's made. Just look at who buys the bonds that finance our humungous national debt that allows us to bomb Iraq, Afghanistan into oblivion as the U.S. sinks into international bankruptcy and insignificance.)

To all those shocked foreign press story writers on the state of our nation, "Get over it!" Let America slip quietly into its new place among the ranks of third world nations, next to our former cold war adversary, Russia.

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