Saturday, August 20, 2005

Dada's getting pissed!

Okay, if we're a nation so freakin' gung-ho for this war (and we're not as polls testify), how is it our "emperor" can declare photos of our returning sons and daughters--in caskets--off limits? How is it our media continue to honor his "hands off" imagery of this sensitive subject matter?

And how is it, that those "fortunate" enough to arrive back from the war, not in a coffin we can't see, but on a stretcher, are shuttled off to some military hospital which is also suspiciously overlooked by our media? They're our friends, family and loved ones who return from Bush's war blinded, missing limbs, and/or psychologically mutilated from the experience of things seen, of things done "over there". Do they arrive in the darkness of night like the coffins? I don't know. We never see them. Why not? They are us!

If you're going to conduct a war that is so righteous, removing a brutal dictator who "aided terrorists in the 9/11 attacks, who had WMD and was in hot pursuit of nuclear weapons", why are we forbidden from seeing the cost to America's finest who are sacrificing life and limb to spread "freedom and democracy" to Iraq?

Is our media so under the thumb of the corporate elite whose interests in this war are being served at the expense, interests and security of our citizens who send their loved ones off to fight it for them, that they haven't the freakin' guts to violate the president's decree by showing us one single flagged draped coffin or mangled body?

The economic repercussions of this bogus war is something the administration can't hide. We, our kids and grandkids will all see (and feel) those tremendous costs. But by then, this administration will be gone, out of office. But their legacy shall linger for a very long time. And it will have cost us all very dearly.

But for the physical and emotional tolls being extracted I beg. Someone, please have the guts to stand in defiance of these chickenhawk neoconservatives and violate blatantly the presiden'ts demand we be sheltered from seeing the human costs of his adventurism now. Please!

These are our loved ones. Just as we see news stories of them departing for Iraq, someone have the cajones to stand up and show America how all of our loved ones return home.


enigma4ever said...

Keep writing..blogging- you are really dead on with this...I have spent the weekend digging for stats- esp.Reserve numbers.....and Injured Iraqi Civilian numbers, I will post later this week...Go to read the Bush's Numbers in the Ditch and the Google game- you would appreciate....

Harrod Family History said...

Is our media so under the thumb of the corporate elite whose interests in this war are being served at the expense, interests and security of our citizens who send their loved ones off to fight it for them, that they haven't the freakin' guts to violate the president's decree by showing us one single flagged draped coffin or mangled body?

Sadly, yes. And The New York Times and Tim Russert are still protecting White House officials in the Plame case by not revealing who endangered national security by outing a CIA officer. They are protecting criminal behavior in the White House.

And the MSM didn't do its job when Bush was lying to us about reasons to attack Iraq. We cannot trust this administration or the so called liberal media to act in the public interest.

ryan said...

Check these sites out. The've got what your lookin for to an extent.