Saturday, August 20, 2005

Bush wins hands down!

If you enjoy good Bush misspeak like I do, like cutting oneself because the pain distracts from the global mutilation being inflicted, you may want to check out some of the president's more recent gems, like:

"During an impassioned speech in support of free trade this month, Bush said, 'If the terriers and bariffs are torn down, this economy will grow!' "

or, "this
happy thought on the recession: 'Coming off a pinnacle, you might say, of low unemployment.' "

These are but two samples of more included in this recent Molly Ivins column.


Harrod Family History said...

I've heard of terriers but which breed of dog are the bariffs?

Dada said...

Bariffs originated from a pair of mastiffs imported to the Barrier Reef Islands that broke lose and became feral. Isolated for so long, they have become a unique species apart from canines.

Very rare, they're known to only a priveleged few. Like our president.