Meanwhile, inside, Bush "joked that his mother, Barbara Bush, told him Clinton has been spending so much time with his own father, former U.S. president George H.W. Bush, that he is 'like a son to her.' So brother, it's good to see you," he said to Clinton.
Let's face it, modern U.S. presidents are beginning to resemble what one might expect as the result of familial inbreeding, i.e., they're all of the same, but not the brightest, cut of cloth.
Bush reminded us all that "Freedom is transformative. "Freedom brings hope and freedom brings peace."* (No, I shit you not. He really said that! ~Dada)
(* Quotes courtesy of CBS News, photo from TD Bank Financial Group/Reuters via Ramblings' blog and Dada's Painter VI)
I don't doubt that he said
"Freedom is transformative," he said. "Freedom brings hope and freedom brings peace."
My response:
War Crimes bring Incarceration.
Come see the lovely welcome display they had in Toronto.
Bravo Toronto!
Funny that we all picked up on these crazy canadian protests but yet it zoomed right by our media.
So nice to see you amongst the torontians (torontoites?) giving Bush a warm welcome!
Poor Bill, always so needy, still looking for his missing daddy.
Freedom certainly IS transformative ... now if only we could find some!
You are the world traveler! Nice to see you in the crowd.
If you are Dick Cheney, just replace Freedom with torture:
"Torture is transformative. "Torture brings hope and torture bring peace." And makes us all safer.
It's all Orwellian!
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