Monday, February 25, 2008

Election year, or bringing out the best in everybody!

Just when my faith in mankind as a species was in extreme sag mode, we are blessed with another presidential election year. We couldn't be more fortunate. Suddenly, those 2004 swift boat boys are reemerging from the stagnant slime mold infested bathtubs where they've hibernated since torpedoing wimpy Vietnam hero and presidential candidate John Kerry's bid for the oval office.

Coming in their brightly colored little yellow toy submarines with proof Obama is a suspicious character who refuses to wear a cheap US "made-in-China" lapel flag, or place his right hand over his heart (maybe because he's left handed and that would place his left palm over his right lung?) while reciting the pledge of allegiance, they also come with the rumor Obama is an extremist muslim on a secret mission to destroy the US from within for our enemies, the terrorists. This from extremist right winger slime boat captains who see nothing wrong dragging the country into the international sewer of political opinion in blind support of their president, Bush, as he lies, wages endless wars, tortures and dismantles American's constitutional rights in the name of security.

One must wonder who's really the greater internal threat to the security of the nation -- Bush, his blind swift boat lackeys or Obama.

But as if that weren't enough, there surfaces a picture of Obama on the Drudge Report allegedly sent to Drudge by the Hillary Clinton camp. It's from 2006 in which Obama donned traditional dress during a visit to Africa.

When asked by ABC News' Teddy Davis and Jacqueline Klingebiel about passing the photo to Drudge, Hillary "did not flatly deny the Drudge Report's charge that her campaign leaked a photo of rival Barack Obama in traditional African dress," calling the incident "laughable."

I can only conclude that maybe Barrack's scaring the hell out of a lot of people because suddenly the torpedoes are not just coming from the swift boat captains on the right, but maybe from Hillary on the left as well.

One thing's certain: There'll be no shortage of things to talk about this year!


D.K. Raed said...

You reminded me I have yet to hear Obama back off his earlier assertion that nuclear & coal should be part of alternative energy. But I did notice he omitted them from his list of alternatives in a recent speech.

I do not enter this election with rose-colored glasses. Hell, I've been through too many now for that. I see the flaws & warts. I wish we had a better way to examine a candidate's brains. If we did, Bush-Cheney would never have made it out of the insane asylum from which they escaped to drive us all insane.

ps, yours is the first pic I've seen that showed the WHOLE Somali outfit. Others are truncated below the knee so it looks like Obama is wearing a dress. But now I see he kept his pants on. That's gotta be a plus, huh.

Fran said...

dk- You are a riot! Master of the one liner?
Swiftboating or Skew & Spew...yes just take the facts, lies & whatever other muck you got & throw it around.

The whole Pakistan conversation was some debate question that was loaded-- "What would you do if Pakistan were in total chaos & Al Qaeda were about to get their hands on the nukes"-- then you later get the "backwash" media bilge---assertions he would go into Pakistan against Al Qaeda if Pakistan's president failed to do so.

It was the perfect storm of a question....
Al Qaeda terrorists about to nuke the world-- what would you do?

A case of Skew & Spew if ever I witnessed it.

Dada said...

Fran: Thank you so much for clarifying the Obama Pakistan stand. In my haste to post this dashing image as struck by Obama in yesterday's media, I rushed for something - anything - to remind us Obama is only human and has flaws just like everyone else.

So your point is well taken. I was careless and stand reminded how very shaped are our opinions (ok, ok, MY opinions) by minions of the once trusted (?), respected media (?), defenders of the 'American Dream'(?) - now turned nightmare.

I should post this up front in a separate blog but for the moment my humility has been too humbled and I haven't the remaining courage for it.

Obama has many good points. Dada, on the other hand, has taken a step back this morning, made a keen self-examination and seen a die-hard curmudgeon.

As a result, I took the easy (expedient, "cowardly"?) way out. I deleted that penultimate paragraph of this blog with the 'picky-picky' anti-Obama point or two and rue the damage I may have inflicted upon any Obama supporters (such as our dear friend Enigma and others).

Hell, you and DK have me thinking I may go out and early vote in the TX primary this week!

Twenty-four hours ago, I'd have called "crazy" anyone who might have suggested that!


D.K. Raed said...

Hey, Dada! Where would be we without die-hard curmudgeons? If curmedgeons ran the world, realism would be the order of the day. That's not bad at all.

No worries; you did not inflict any damage. I guess you read my comment to you at Frans about why your vote is EXTREMELY important in the primaries? I have the same problem here in UT. My general election vote means sh*t, but my primary vote gives me power. oooh, yeah, POWER, baby. My red neighbors can line up like sheep for the slaughter if they want, but they won't vote democrat so they have NO VOICE in the democratic primary. HAH!

Anonymous said...

Well Dada- I just wanted to point out how that whole Pakistan invasion conversation came about-- I believe it was on (the only) presidential debate held on public airwaves so far, in this presidential election.
Charles Gibson asked the question.

But taken out of context any person would otherwise have the classic *WTF?* response... Did the guy just wake up one morning & declare invading Pakistan would be a *good idea*.

No- the debate moderater posed the doom & gloom, worst case scenario.. Al Queda with nukes amuck in Pakistan question.

Hillary's response is she'd call the people in charge with a warning that a US attack is on it's way.... so if you find that more comforting- good luck with that.

Hi Mushey-- Hillary here-- just calling to say I'm sending a little shock & awe your way- since you can't keep your country under control-- a Woman's work is never done.
I'll send a bill later.

I can't even remember if Obama's initial response is he would try to communicate.

The whole political scene is a circus.
Wavy Gravy once ran for office. He ran the whole *Nobody* for president campaign.
Nobody cares about your concerns
Nobody is going to lower taxes
Nobody can manage the country
Nobody will represent you.....

He said if you are going to vote for a clown anyway... why not vote for a real one?

I am trying to provide levity to the situation....

now I'm calling it a day

over & out


eProf2 said...

Dada, for us living on or near the border, this morning's story in our paper about the virtual fence not working here in AZ after sinking between $20 and $64 billion into is worthy of a read.

D.K. Raed said...

hey fran, I actually remember that "Nobody" campaign, how sad is that? I also enjoyed the Pat Paulson campaigns. He ran on the STAG ticket (straight talking american govt) -- predating John McCain by decades. One of his platform tenets was elimination of the electoral college and strict punishment for improper grammer. just think, we could've avoided the whole last 8-yr nightmare if the electoral college had been dumped back when there was a chance to do that (when the elections weren't so close that either party would've stood to gain or lose by eliminating it). and with that grammer punishment deal, GWB never could've run in the first place!

eprof & dada, I learned when living in san diego that no fence will work, virtual or concrete, even if there were crocodiles in the moats. humans are tenacious creatures, otherwise we'd have died of embarrassment a long time ago.

enigma4ever said...

I heard from others that you mentioned me in this post.....and I kept quiet...and then I saw what you wrote was altered....I thought perhaps that you had a change of heart....but then your latest post proves that is not so....So I did comment in your post above...your latest Obama Bashing Post...because you bash his supporters and not just him...

Some of us are working our asses off trying to get Some One in the WH that VALUES the Constitution....
He has taught Constitutional Law for Many many years....he wants to restore Habeus Corpus and CLOSE Gitmo and Hold People accountable...

See for me it is pretty simple- if we don;t change the WH- my son and I actually have to move MOVE to another it is not just something top "talk about"....

IT IS LIFE....It IS HELL.... SHEER HELL for the past 7 years...and millions hurt by the Current Regime...Regime Change means more than MOCKING PEOPLE TRYING TO MAKE CHANGE...

You know I have spent the past monthes Fighting the Imperious Hill Supporters...the last person I thought that I would have to do battle with is you....





THIS WHOLE TIME I NEVER CAME OVER ONCE AND CORRECTED YOU AND YOUR SPEWING ON OBAMA.....But you were over here making fun of me and being snippy and cute...and FUNNY???? for who?

I don't think caring about this country is funny.....AT ALL....

I went crawling through ice and snow and freezing ass temps for people like you and Mrs Dada and Sam....knocking on doors and handing out info....
trying to Salvage OUR country.....and OUR Constitution.....

my son said it best..." We don't get too many times to try to Change the Course of History".....16 and he said that.....after years of Bush.....Wisdom born from sheer Hell..