Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Joke of the day:

There's this joke among the people of Latin America who were victimized by U.S. foreign policy throughout the 1900's that goes something like this:
Know why there have been no military coups in the U.S.?

There is no U.S. embassy in Washington, D.C.

(Dada note: Of course, as we learned in 2000 at the turn of the new millennium, the reason we don't need a U.S. embassy in Washington, D.C. to have a military coup here is -- civilian coups are even better!)


Cartledge said...

And here I thought those Latinos had no sense of humour. That is wonderful.
Still, I have an empathy with the US, and it was made clear to me this very day. A friend read out my stars: "You have been under the influence of your anus for the past decade..."
Aussie accent apart it answers a lot of questions.

WeezieLou said...

civilian coups - don't get me started!

enigma4ever said...

sooooooo Today there was an article in army times that the military- army are starting to refuse duty....

that could start a trend...we need a COUP both civilian and military.....yup,...and I could problally go to Gitmo for saying that.....

well they can kiss my ass...

Dada said...

Ooooh, cover your ears everyone! I'm afraid our dear friend, enigma, has just numbered days among us remaining!

I appreciate each and every soldier who stands up and lays down their arms against Bush and his war.

Cartledge: I keep reading and rereading your comment. Maybe it's a language barrier, but is that some sort of Aussie astrology talk?

And Weezielou...you leave me wondering if there's far more of this coup stuff taking place than I even imagined?

Cartledge said...

Dada, they really lose the punch when you have to explain them :)

D.K. Raed said...

Oh heck, explaining is my forte! So here goes: you don't even need an ozzie accent to know how the planet Uranus can be mispronounced. But (BUTT), I think Cartledge is really referring to the influence we in the U.S. have been under for the past decade. Yes! Assholes have much influence here in the glorious land of "Gassy Oily Prigs". Hence, his empathy with us & our unfortunate asstrological influences. How'd I do, Cart?

aaack, Enigma & Weezie, coups?!? well, if it begins with civilians, it's merely an election (or impeachment) mandate, so OK. if it begins with army grunts, the brigs will be full soon. if it begins with the joint chiefs, better hope Curtis LeMay doesn't pop out of his zombie grave to "help out"!

hey, maybe THAT's what our new Baghdad "embassy" is for -- to confine deserting troops! I wonder if the floor plans might reveal many little boxy windowless rooms?

Cartledge said...

Thanks Red, spot on! Of course I'm hampered by not using terms like Assholes - oooops, did I say that?

Cartledge said...
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enigma4ever said...

hhhmmm why Cartledge we are amercinzing you...cuz I thought down there it is "arse" hmmm. so that would be arsehole right???

( DK always explains everything sooooo nicely...)

Cartledge said...

enigma, I can talk American, I simply choose not to for the most part. And notice I didn't say arse, which is a relatively crude expression.
Unlike my fellow antipodeans I am just a little reticent when it comes to colourful (Aussie spelling) language.
No real reason that I can think of. I've been born again enough times to respect the fact that it is not a church phenomenon.
But yes, there are more arseholes out there than I care to deal with :)