Friday, November 02, 2007

FUBAR nation


D.K. Raed said...

Is it dead or dormant now ... there is still that spark, that fading ember of our former glory ... can it be kept alive, small puffs of breath feeding it, tiny sparks hidden in a dark cave, building in strength until it can burst forth again? Always assuming that this time things will be different, this time we won't f*ck it up, this time we won't let small groups of powerhungry fools destroy our core, this time we will protect & nuture the little flame of freedom?

We were the beacon of the world!

Dada said...

Hi deke (welcome back, btw!). No, I have to take the darker view on this. Aside from the country's slide into despotism, there are a number of other factors converging along with that which, taken together, I feel with serve up a very bleak future.

I'm speaking of our national bankruptcy, peak oil, and global warming of course. It'd be nice if we had a government that would a.) halt fiscal irresponsibility, b.) be forward looking in development of renewal resources offering a more positive future than the one of warring and whoring we are now slamming into head-on, and c.)thinking of an Earth for our kids and their kids instead of pols more concerned for their own asses.

I don't know how fast these things come on and the synergy between them, but they indeed promise us a very exciting future for which modern man has no model.

I don't think the return our to the glory days of slavery, oppression of the dispossessed and minorities, empire building and global domination return in any of the historical forms we are most familiar with.

At the moment, I'm concerned Mrs. Dada, Sam and I won't be among the first wave of dispossessed. By the time we are, the best places under the freeway overpasses will be all gone.

Hold on!

Hold on!

D.K. Raed said...

True, we were always better on paper than in reality. Still, I think our Dec of Ind & Const & their enlightenment-influenced writers WERE beacons to the world. The faded yellow papers are housed in some museum for future generations to gawk at, unable to actually understand the foreign language of the writers.

The slide into despotism is happening so fast now, and yet in the grand scheme of history, maybe we were only destined to be a blip. We hold these truths to be self-evident was never so evident to power-lusters. Rights of man? Since when?

And when the powerful elite do nothing about, infact profit by, the things you mention (transfer of natl wealth into the pockets of a wealthy few, peak oil prices, war profiteers writing their own rules of engagement, whoring of our environment), the future seems quite bleak.

Do you need a squatter to "hold on" to that place under the fwy for you?