Monday, October 15, 2007

Yard sale on overused graphs.

Okay, let's review one last time (I promise, never again). Here, then, is a chart of how the national debt has done under presidents Ford through our present one. (Note the first bar on the extreme left of the chart represents the national debt incurred under all thirty-seven previous presidents over 198 years.

Upon inspection, it would appear obvious the national debt fares far better under democratic administrations. You know, those "tax and spend" sons of bitches. And the same interpretation might occur to republicans able to read charts as well. And while those republicans smart enough to interpret the above are a small minority of the right, they're likely the ones reaping the huge benefits from Bush tax cuts and war profiteering. But don't expect them to endorse these data. Instead, a more likely response would be, "Yeh, but all those deficits under republican administrations--at least we didn't have to pay for 'em!"

The republicans who can't interpret graphs are folks in Kansas, Utah, my own hometown, etc. They're everywhere. You can hear 'em on your radios calling Rush and Hannity. And while they're feeling the same economic pinch as the rest of us, they'll continue to support Bush and Cheney while they and their cronies peel off their chunks of the national treasury and dump the rest of it on foreign desert sands at the expense of all Americans making sacrifices so unnoticeable as to seem like we're all getting this hubris and adventurism for nothing!

But that's not why I'm posting this chart again. It's more to do with Bush chiding democrats for proposing a budget with $22 billion dollars more than Bush will approve. (Hence, the reputation, "tax and spend" democrats.) That's total fiscal irresponsibility according to Bush. And as the most unpopular president of all time, he's grasping at this straw in hopes stupid Americans will buy the democrats' fiscal irresponsibility while ignoring Bush's gross kamakaze budget lunacy.

So what exactly has the president's skivvies so twisted and knotted; a president who has no qualms about going to congress once or twice a year for an extra $100 billion or two each time to fund his losing follies in Iraq and Afghanistan, that he's squealing to us, "Congress needs to be responsible with your money"? Well, the extra $22 billion democrats propose is for domestic programs such as education, medical research, Head Start, clean water and health care for veterans.

I know it's pretty amazing how the U.S. is able to fight two losing wars simultaneously without much apparent sacrifice from any of us. Other than those with family members dying in the Middle East or coming home physically or mentally mutilated from Bush's losing campaigns, there's few who seem to be giving up much of anything.

But on the heels of Bush's recent veto of the State's Children's Health Insurance Program and this latest vow to veto a budget that spends too much on kids, health, education, vets and the disadvantaged, the point is driven home that we are, in fact, all paying dearly for the president's pandoras.

Twenty-two billions of dollars for kids, vets, uninsured, under insured, students and the downtrodden is money that could buy Bush lots and lots of bombs to kill people, why, even start a third losing war! So, to all Americans, pause a moment to pat yourselves on the backs. You are sacrificing! Maybe not as much as those thousands who drown and some whose carcasses sat around for days decaying in a New Orleans post-Katrina sun, or those crushed or drowned during a commute over a collapsed interstate bridge, or those who've lost their jobs to Indians. But we are sacrificing. To keep us safe from terrorism, it's a small price to pay, I suppose.


Fran said...

Charts- remind me of Ross Perot. But it's all about the interpretation of the information. How does the saying go- When all else fails, manipulate the data?
I think you are just misinterpreting the graph, myself. The Bush camp would simply have us believe (envision George at the podium, using his cowboy accent).... "Things are looking up!"

The concept that those irresponsible democrats are wanting to spend so darned much, they must be kept in check, wreaks of the classic Rove spin we've gotten all along. But when the curtain is pulled back on this wizard, at some point being able to say *pay no attention to those (veteran's, children's, educational) funding needs* will just not fly.

Why congress has not just staged a walkout, protest, filibuster, refusal to give more billions to the illegal occupation sinkhole- whatever tools they have at hand is beyond me. Allegedly, they have the power of the purse. Clearly they have not used it. Either they mind the house, & follow the will of the voters, or there will be some major house cleaning. The shrugging of shoulders & approving of more billions for war just does not cut it anymore.

If the issue becomes hot, they can always bring up Osama & Al Quaida, play the fear & terrorism card.
You can almost count on it as elections near.

Dada said...

Amen. Prepare to be scared sh*tless! Those, the weakest among us, prepare to toss what little is left of our Constitution on the flames of the weak and feeble minded.

God forbid--in these most dangerous of times--we should continue to care about the basic tenets and the nation that resulted from them in light of the threats we face from without.

To those chicken shits throwing away the nation to save it I say, "Look within, ye weak bastards of little courage. The biggest threat, the thing you fear most, should be yourselves!"

I know they scare the shit outta me!

D.K. Raed said...

hahaha, the people of Kansas or Utah or elsewhere don't NEED to read a graph ... Jeezus whispers in their ears every night, telling them their threadbare pockets are NOT full of IOUs, their children are NOT left behind or in need of medical care, vets are perfectly content to pay for their own "pre-existing" PTSD, their personal freedoms are perfectly safe in any necon's paws, and gosh-darnit, the whole world loves them!

Dada said...

Fran: "Why congress has not just staged a walkout, protest, filibuster, refusal to give more billions to the illegal occupation sinkhole- whatever tools they have at hand is beyond me."

Congress is a sub-branch of the Executive. Congress is part and parcel of the problem.

"Either they mind the house, & follow the will of the voters, or there will be some major house cleaning."

This is how it worked for over 200 years. I'm not sure that works anymore. Nothing was accomplished post '06 elections re getting us out of these wars, bringing the white house rogues to justice (and I don't care if they don't have the fuckin' numbers to impeach successfully, either we're a nation of laws or an unruly mob, so you stand up to this junta and do the required procedures to try to bring them to justice--another concept that's scarce in this land today. And you do it whether you have the numbers or not because it's what's required).

Now we have to wait and pray '08 will save us? As Bush expressed yesterday, he's really looking forward to these last 15 mos. as he flogs us with threats of WWIII.

We may not have 15 mos. But if we manage to escape a Bush provoked post apocalyptic Road Warrior movie scenario (what are the odds--I don't know with this bunch of rogue oddballs now leading a country run amok) what will we get?

We'll get an executive branch with obscene, unchecked powers and ONE from a bunch of candidates now flailing their phalluses around, acting tough and promising "all options are on the freakin' table!"?

As one blog commenter said

"Man oh man we're so screwed. They have all betrayed us our supposed representatives. There nothing but a bunch of Fascist Nazi's and Nazi Enablers.

"May the Lord have mercy upon us."

Indeed, with such resignation, it's about all we Americans can hope for. Without the "ganos" needed for millions of us to go to Washington AND DEMAND congress grow the courage to stand up to these crime family bosses and madmen, mercy is about all we have left. And I'm not sure we deserve any of that either.