Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Today's Quote

The enablers and apologists for this criminal White House continue to insist that impeachment is "off the table." What is this table that the Democratic Party thinks impeachment cannot be on, but talk of a nuclear strike on Iran, can be on?* What kind of system treats impeachment as verboten and treats war crimes and torture as legitimate? What kind of fools would we be to be sucked in by this criminal craziness? Dennis Loo

Edwards: "We need to keep all options on the table."
Hillary: "In dealing with this threat -- no option can be taken off the table."
Obama: "We should take no option, including military action, off the table."


enigma4ever said...

I would love someone to explain WHY Impeachment of Dick or George should be OFF the table...ONE lousy effin reason..I Just want to hear it.....

Because as far as I know we have been offered Nothing as a reason...

Anonymous said...

I make a motion we table the table- all those in favor say Aye!

Dada said...

AYE! In that we import everything we consume in this country, any chance we could import some new candidates?

Psychomikeo said...

I guess We The People have no place at this so called table...

azgoddess said...

take a look at ron paul - he agrees with us that we need to get out now~~~