Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Oh oh. There goes another fine ménace à trois!

Remembering Dada received only a grade of "C" in his introductory Psychology 1A class, a ménace à trois is Dada's term (derived from his French roots) to describe a relationship in which three people share a psychosexual relationship from which they derive perverse erotic pleasures they can't get from the usual or more normal outlet of the physical sex act.

Examples of the aphrodisiacal pleasures from such furtive "fucking around" may include--but are not limited to--plotting stolen elections, the pain/pleasure of inflicting torture upon others, a sense of power enhancement derived from the deprivation of others rights and freedoms, or one's enrichment by stealing from other's and pleasuring in their victim's resultant impoverishment.

Ménace à trois taken to its ultimate extremes can result in the total dispossession of millions of people from their homes, their way of life, and ultimately death to hundreds of thousands or even millions of innocent persons.

Sadly, members of a ménace à trois often demand a continuous diet of more and more outrageous acts to satisfy their growing appetites for pleasures never sated.

This August has seen the dissolution of one of the White House's most successful ménace à trois' (troises? - here, dada's weak French is also exposed) with the departure of George Bush's power lusting partners, Karl Rove and Alberto Gonzales.

While many of us may take comfort in seeing the dismantling of this trio, I would caution we are at a very dangerous time as a result of this breakup. There is no telling how the crumbling of internal "affairs" at the highest level may manifest itself upon us, upon the world.

Expect louder saber rattling against Iran. And pray there is not another 9/11 type incident here. With the breakup of one of Bush's most intimate circles, scandals running rampant and congress about to return, it could be an extremely perilous autumn.


WeezieLou said...

cheer up, dada. condi could always make a trio with bush and cheney. remember those pics of her in Germany, with the long black boots and the black dress? she doesn't even have to go shopping - she can bring it all with her and keep the trois going!

Anonymous said...

Not to mention the diseases you can get, & the potential of a bastard child. This kind of fucking around can be lethal, and for sure, change people's lives forever.

Poor Dick-- all the other mastermind snakes have left the cave, and he is stuck w George.

Question: Is Dick DYING to get out of the White House? He's already publicly declared himself not a part of the Executive branch. Maybe he will pull the plug on his battery operated heart for a dramatic exit from the Gvmnt? Desperate times call for desperate measures. Stay tuned for news from an undisclosed location.....

eProf2 said...

The two comments above reflect my own take on your threesome: Don't forget the dick! As strange as it may sound, Rove and Gonzales may have been counterweights to Darth Vader, the man without a branch of government! Perhaps, that's why we heard ShrubCo yesterday invoke the specter of the US using nukes to stop Iran in its tracks. Dr. Strangelove for sure!

PoliShifter said...

I often wonder if Gonzo, Rummy, Rove and all the other Bush lackies are plotting together for their triumphant return after the next terror attack when Bush delcares himself President-For-Life.

Or when he bombs Iran and tells the American People again "why, you just can't switch Presidents in mid-war...We let FDR be president for four terms..."

enigma4ever said...

you all are really depressing me...well, and slightly disgusting me...I mean Condi and her I do need tums...

Have you seen bush today- wow...totally incompetent and inept without Rove or speechwriters....and there is not enough liquor...obviously....

Dada said...

thanks for the wonderfully witty and, yes e4e, depressing comments. (A Condi and Big Dick liaison made me chuckle.)

Obviously, this has to rank as the longest, unending nightmare of our lives for many of us...and as polishifter hints, I'm not staking too much on Jan. '09 ending it, even if Bush does leave.