Thursday, August 02, 2007

Changing the climate, one inch at a time.

(Or thinking globally, acting locally.)

I have this theory of how to change the climate. Living in the vast Chihuahuan Desert as we do, rainfall here is at a premium. Our normal precipitation average is about 7.5 inches per year.

However, I've discovered a way to double our annual rainfall, thus greatly reducing my need to water the yard.

By simply putting out two rain gauges instead of one, each time it rains you'll get double the rainfall! For a buck or so -- the cost of an additional rain gauge -- it's a cheap price to pay to save the planet!


azgoddess said...

LMAO - i think i try that here in the senora desert -- haa haa haa

Dada said...

Thanks! I figured if anyone would appreciate my theory, it'd be someone else from the desert - like azgoddess!