Saturday, July 14, 2007


NOTE: What follows is a comment I left over at Enigma's Watergate Summer. (And, yes, I know it's a cheap shot to 'cut and paste,' but it's Saturday evening and Mrs. Dada and I are 'stepping out' here it is--my cheap shot of the week.)

Last night my wife me reminded of Bill Moyers' Journal was going to be on Impeachment, "Do you want to see it?" she asked.

"Nah," I replied, so disgusted am I with the 'all talk, no walk' bullshit of "checks & balances" that consists of vows "Impeachment is off the table" by Pelosi and other jellyfish representatives. But I changed my mind and was so glad for I remained glued to the tube for the whole hour.

So reenergized and hopeful was I afterwards that today, I found the video, I found the entire transcript. The latter I copied into a file to blog later. There were some quotes in there that anyone who didn't see the program needed to hear.

Today, I've also gotten a couple of e-mails referring to last night's program (one from Truthout, including the entire program's transcript). And I'm encouraged by this.

The main point of IMPEACHMENT being this process MUST be done because, if not, it will transcend the Bushboy's power grab by dropping vast, massive presidential powers into the lap of their successors, be he mayor juliano or "bomb a village" hillary. And that's something NO president should have, because power once usurped is not easily forfeited.

This isn't France. This isn't Bolivia, where governments fear their people. This is America where the exact reverse is true. That makes IMPEACHMENT all the more necessary, because I'm beginning to seriously doubt the citizenry of this former nation we inhabit today have the juevos to stand up to the bastards who have stolen the government, to the bastards who allowed it to happen (Congress) and the bastards who didn't report it (guess who!)

And that's why we must IMPEACH these assholes, for there's no guarantee that Hillary won't learn to love and abuse the authority she inherits if we don't!


Aaron A. said...

Too true,

However, something inside me thinks it's like wishing upon a star. I think he may just get away and get nasty letters sent to his presidential library.

Anonymous said...

Dada, we tuned into Moyers lamentably last night & only caught the last 15-minutes. Now I want to read the transcript, or maybe look ahead to see when it'll be rebroadcast. Yup, precedence is a powerful predictor of the future (damnitall). ~~ D.K.

PTCruiser said...

You hit the nail on the head, Dada. It's the ever-present danger that with each successive president, their power comes closer and closer to totalitarian, that makes impeachment of these assholes so important now.

enigma4ever said...

thanks for telling me about the Moyers special- I will look for it.I loved his on Abramoff....we are in trouble.period.and Impeaching these assholes is critical...

enigma4ever said...

oh, and thanks for the crosspost- that was very

Anonymous said...


I read of an Iraq soldier in NY State, who, after he returned home from a tour of *hell*, was given notice he would be sent back for a 2nd tour, paid someone $500 to shoot him in the leg. He initially reported the incident as an armed robbery, but later said, he could just not mentally handle going to Iraq for another tour. He suffers from PTSD. (Of course!).

More charges were trumped against him for false crime reporting.... but thie is indicitave of just how bad things have become.

My son, received yet another recruitment "offer", stating that if you enlist , you will **only serve 2 years in active duty**. (If you live that long??)

I would love to get the ACLU to sue the government/military for false advertising. There was an editorial in the paper the other day, written by the Mother of a soldier whose tours of duty continue on & far exceed his initial contract. She referred to her son as a "prisoner of war", but was being held prisoner by the US government Military.

Impeach Impeach IMPEACH!!!!!

Psychomikeo said...

Impeachment of King George II & his Dick will help this nation start to HEAL