Wednesday, September 20, 2006

What if they gave you an election, but took it back?

I apologize to commenters on yesterday's blog entry here. What started out as a response to DK, AZ and Enigma turned into a very long rant. As a result, I decided for the sake of expediency, to just post it here. (Sorry guys, but thanks for getting my blood thinned so early in the morning.) So, here as a blog, is my comment to the wonderful afforementioned regulars who frequent these parts.


Okay, listen, I have a confession to make to all of you. (Yeh, like you don't already know what I'm about to all are regular readers here, you pretty much know what I'm feeling -- lost!)

But I have a question: What if they gave us an "election" but took it back? Would we wimper, whine then resign ourselves to it? (Again!) I mean, what else could we do? More and more, it looks like what we would do is less and less, i.e., nothing!

Recent polls are showing Bush's approval ratings climbing. His performance on the fifth anniversary of 9/11 was stellar, wasn't it? Hitting PA, NYC, and DC -- all the sites of terrorism he shunned like the plague on the first 9/11 are "catapaulting his propaganda" (or bullshit as I prefer to call it). At least that's what the polls being cited on the news networks would have us believe -- Bush's approval is enjoying a steady resurgence.

But I have serious doubts those numbers are any more legitimate than this presidency. And why is that? I suspect they're prepping us to steal another election. And why shouldn't they? The coup was 6 years ago. This regime isn't about to relinquish this November, in a wimpy mid-term *free election* conducted in the guise of democracy, that which it so brazenly stole in broad daylight in 2001.

So to make this November 7's election outcome seem plausible, to continue the charade for the majority of this country who think our rulers are chosen in honest elections or those in the opposition party who suspect election fraud but don't know what to do about it except just "shut the fuck up and wait another two years for the next election in hopes THAT one will be different," the huge discrepancies between Bush's poll approval numbers and the growing numbers of *real* disenchanted Americans of this regime MUST be narrowed if election theft is to be successful, to go unsuspected in the middle of another post-Halloween, pre-Thanksgiving/Christmas holidays National Football League season.

So as Bush's approval ratings climb between now and 11/7, let's all prepare for another nail biter. Let's prepare for another huge disappointment.

As noted here before, too much is at stake in this election to allow the other party to gain control of the congress. Namely, Bush's ass.

So let us look forward to two more years of this despotic regime. Oh, and a war with Iran. As has been demonstrated over the past six years, we Americans are a very accepting bunch. Even of the theft of our democracy.

From the lack of America's ability or will to do anything about a pack of psychopaths who've seized control of the bridge and are steering the ship onto the rocks, I think everything will continue on the same course as these past six years. The insanity will be preserved. The status quo will continue unabated as the last nails in America's coffin lid are secured.

But in the event I am wrong (and I keep hoping and hoping, yet doubting and doubting I am), don't forget, this November 7th, to get out and vote!


azgoddess said...

i will be there voting

and i will be there with hope

i can't - it's not me

to be despondent

i live for my hope - i thrive for my hope

and hugs - i give a bit to you!!

Anonymous said...

Even with a shitload of dirty tricks & outright fraud, I still have to believe we are not quite yet at the point of total democratic breakdown. Dada, I feel lost, too, but somehow just reading your posts & comments gives me that glimmer of hope that it is possible to change the pre-programmed PNAC outline of our futures. OUR futures, not some version of hell dreamed up by a few elitist power-hungry psychopaths!

I may not believe in hell, but I do believe in punishment for misdeeds. That's why we need to overcome their propaganda with a MAJOR vote turnout. That will allow impeachment hearings to begin.

If there is another questionable, fraudulent election, we take to the streets. We've done it before. We do NOT go quietly. Only this time, instead of a recount (by the same compromised elec machines), we demand a RE-VOTE. Everyone just returns & votes again, only this time on paper ballots (like we insisted by used in iraq), counted at each precinct with everyone watching at the local level. Doesn't even have to be limited to who voted the first time. Arnie didn't when overthrowing Grey Davis. You can bet that'd bring out the apathetic voters who thought they made no difference!

I took heart this A.M. seeing footage on Liberty TV of protestors at the U.N. shouting this chant: "Americans don't want your war, so what the hell are we fighting for?" Then hearing Hugo C. calling Bush "El Diabolo" & saying his UN speech yesterday should be psychoanalyzed. And, I think the repubs chose a bad color, don't you? There's that old cold war phrase, "Better Dead, Than Red".
