I'd just like to take a second to recognize my wife's efforts regarding the upcoming ABC "docu-drama", The Path to 9/11 set to air on the five year anniversary of that terrible day in American history. And, no, I haven't seen it but from the perterbations of the hornet's nest it's created, it sounds like it has all the trappings of a 30's Nazi propaganda film.
Well, much to her credit, my wife devoted a lot of time yesterday registering her anger that a major TV network is about to air a docu-drama as "docu-truth." As former co-chair of the 9/11 commision, Tom Kean, admitted of this drama-as-truth, "...they chose to portray it this way. My memory is it could have happened any number of ways." (As noted by MSNBC's Keith Olbermann last night on "Countdown," Kean is a paid consultant for this film.)
And while ABC distributed copies of the film to right-wing conservatives according to Olbermann, none were forthcoming to former Clinton administration officials.
But what really jump-started my wife to action yesterday was ABC's offering of this mini-series with teaching materials for high schools in a kind of rewrite of history and I'm wondering how reminiscent this is of a 30's Nazi propaganda flick for our children. As a teacher of over 20 years plus, my wife could NOT let that pass.
And so I thank her for taking the time to write and send e-mails to each and every member of our local school board, calling the school superintendent's office to register her protest. As a former educator, she did not let the curriculum office "poo-pooh" her concerns in their effort to absolve themselves of any responsibility of what goes on in their classrooms.
She also called the ABC network and the local ABC affiliate, not once but twice, where she got a response hinting at their awareness of the Pandora's box that has been opened. (That became obvious later in the evening watching MSNBC programs like Olbermann's and Scarborough's--to our delight. We may be going down in fascist flames here, but not without a good fight.)
Who knows? Maybe MSNBC is tapping ABC's phone lines and overheard my wife's angry call? ~grin~ Whatever, my wife helped agitate the hornet's nest yesterday and for that I say, "Thank you Mrs. Dada!"
WELL DONE, Mrs. Dada!!! At this point even disclaimers or calling it drama won't cut it. And to make classroom materials available? That was really over the top. Kansas can ban evolution & huck finn & to kill a mockingbird & the color purple, but you can bet this mock-drivel will be on their curriculum, right next to creation-sci. Grrrrr! D.K.
Thank you Mr and Mrs Dada...thank you...fuck the propaganda....
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