Donald Rumsfeld appeasing fascist Saddam Hussein
December, 1983
Quote of the day by Frank Rich, New York Times, 9/3/2006
Here's how brazen Mr. Rumsfeld was when he invoked Hitler's appeasers to score his cheap points: Since Hitler was photographed warmly shaking Neville Chamberlain's hand at Munich in 1938, the only image that comes close to matching it in epochal obsequiousness is the December 1983 photograph of Mr. Rumsfeld himself in Baghdad, warmly shaking the hand of Saddam Hussein in full fascist regalia. Is the defense secretary so self-deluded that he thought no one would remember a picture so easily Googled on the Web? Or worse, is he just too shameless to care?
December, 1983
Quote of the day by Frank Rich, New York Times, 9/3/2006
This is excellent..absolutely perfect...
Shame? Not on the Karl Rove-Frank Luntz weekly 3-word vocabulary list, which last week seemed to be "nazi, fascist, appeaser". They must think we are all completely feeble. That we don't realize we're being jerked around as they jab & punch their 3-words every week, then blithely move on to tackle next week's list.
Oh, I think it's also rummie's vanity to not scrub that picture of him & saddam. it's really the last shot of him still appearing vaguely human, before he turned into a total human flesh-eater. D.K.
"They must think we are all completely feeble. That we don't realize we're being jerked around as they jab & punch their 3-words every week"
I agree D.K., but evidence would tend to support their supposition, wouldn't it? It's seems no matter the outrage, there's no arousing this nation. (Ah, I mean, politically, that is.)
Ooooh, for it to be 1968 once more. We'd have some chickenshitmotherfrickinassholes trembling in their proverbial fuckinboots.
Oh wait. Come to think of it, would it were these were the 60's, these chickenshitwarhawks woulda been way gone already. Zappa, the Airplane and the rest of the gang woulda kicked their asses outta town long, long ago by now. (Thanks again Enigma for my prose lesson on how to more properly use the language.)
yeah dada, i have a feeling abbie would've known how to deal with a stolen election. but i have to believe another questionable vote won't be tolerated. sadly, it may mean blood in the streets. D.K.
they don't think we are anything but sheepeople...that we beileve anything that they tell us
and they write history...lest we not forget
I think he just really likes to shake hands.
Great work, dada...this post is dead on.
I got a proposal; some homework for all of us. Write a letter at least three times a week to the editor. If you live in a "red" state or area, hit your local news outlets (newspapers, TV stations). I'm in Seattle, so I imagine I should hit USA Today, the cable news, and papers and such in other places I've lived, including my home state of Arkansas.
Keep it short, polite, but pointed. We are all good at writing; this is a good time to start preaching outside the choir. I suggest composing in Word, cut and paste into email, and write a new base letter each week. It's one thing to discuss the truth. This is the time to spread it, and encourage others to do so to.
For Rumsfeld to call US morally and intellectually confused is beyond the pale...I'm in no mood to allow such bullshit to go on unchallenged.
And letters unaffiliated with a 'group' like MoveOn might be more effective than "we all feel this way". Maybe we could call it Project Buckshot amongst ourselves...if Cheney can get boozed up and pepper a friend, maybe we can scattergun a complacent press.
Can't hurt.
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