Evolution of a thought:
"That which doesn't kill us makes us stronger." ~ Nietzsche
"That which doesn't kill us leaves us weaker." ~ Dada
"That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable." ~ Despair.com
I was thinking if we all chipped in together and bought this poster, it might look great hanging in Bush's oval office.
yes, saw the link from mel's
me = sad enough today
so i might wander there tomorrow
and - for the record - i'm not buying a damn thing for baby bush...not one thing...selfish as that might seem
besides he'll just put it up upside down anyways...grin
az....thanks for slapping me back to reality. What the hell was I thinking? Actually donating to decorate the oval office for clueless...sorry...
Anyway, the wife added after reading this blog...
"That which doesn't kill us, leaves us with devastating medical bills from which we can never recover."
Hope your sadness has waned. Was that brought on by these bastards?
The only (other) room I want my money decorating for Shrub is his holding cell.
Concrete bench, classic stainless steel toilet (sans lid), and one Bible. He's going have a lot of time to talk to Jesus.
Man, this motivational stuff is working...I feel better already!
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