From Mike Malloy's website, comes the following:
There will be no Mike Malloy program today - or any day - on Air America Radio as we have been terminated. We are told its a financial decision.
We are as shocked as you are, especially since as recently as last Tuesday we were told we had the go-ahead to announce our return to NY airwaves and that our contract was "on the way."
We are told its a financial decision.
More details to follow as we hear them ourselves.
I was extremely disappointed to learn of Air America's decision to let Malloy go. I have been a big fan since he joined the cast of Air America's radio hosts several months after it began broadcasting.
Mike Malloy is an angry man. Some nights his indignation is on the edge. Some nights it's over the edge. But Malloy is only reacting to news of the day, somedays more insane than others. And I appreciated his anger. Fact is, like Malloy, I'm often astounded at the lack of anger by citizens of this country whose lives are being adversely and directly impacted by this nation's leadership.
Sure Malloy went over the edge sometimes. But he's never been one to go softly into the night. And now he's gone from the night's airwaves.
I'm pretty pissed about this myself; and not happy with AAR for taking this action without explanation. Financial my hind leg.
Over the top? Offensive? Sure. So what. I thought Air America existed to counter all of the right-wing hate speech, compared to which Malloy was mild.
Somethin' be stankin' here.
If you're interested, there's a petition to reinstate: http://www.petitiononline.com/mod_perl/signed.cgi?Malloy&1
this is just WRONG...period....oh shit...CLEAR CHANNEL...The quikest way to Hell...oh no...that is terrible news..that means he "offended " either Texas or FOX....
First of all, my thanks to rkrider here. He was the first to alert me of Mike's dismissal. I had noticed he wasn't sitting in for Randi Rhodes Wednesday afternoon as he was supposed to be, so I thought that a little strange.
rk's e-mail explained why. (Thanks for the link to Sanders campaign ad--good shit!)
And thanks for the petition link, mel. I signed it, but what in the fuck has made me such a goddamned cynic? Who the hell listens to the majority in this country anymore anyway? When did they stop counting? Oh, wait, that's right: Rummy explained it to us. We're all just a bunch of fascist enablers.
Well, he sure as hell got that right, but it's his own stench of fascism he's smellin'.
They sure as hell better listen come November, or, or, er, or I'll get really, really upset and say something really mad like, ahm, "Just wait til 'OH-8', or 'OH-12' or maybe the next time after that maybe.
Dadasickofthisfuckinshit (thanks for the politer way of expressing my anger, enigma! [grin])
ahhhhh Dada you have a-humbled me..that was lovely....nothing like the early morning ( or late night)\
dose of Truth....( or Truthiness as Stephen Colbert would say)
ok...speaking of Clear Channel and AAR, my wife comes in and informs me yesterday that Tom Oliphant--who was supposed to be on Al Franken's morning segment all week--had been replaced. She didn't know why.
This morning, we learn Franken's replacement is friends with Joe Scarborough and he's more M-O-R (middle of the road) than Oliphant could ever be. How much longer til Randi Rhodes gets her walking papers? ~Paranoid Dada
clear channel = death of free media
so sad to hear of this loss...and thanks for the lnk - will sign to reinstate..
maybe we need to start brain storming about alternatve air waves for him?
whew! just returned from our little camping trip to walk in on this bad news. I love Mike Malloy. Listening to his anger made working late nights bearable. He validated that I'm not crazy (dada and enigma run close seconds, but you know you always remember your first).
I hope he gets picked up (and soon) by another progressive lineup like The Jones Network.
Clear Channel ... blecchh!!! They are insidious. By the time we moved from San Diego, they controlled 90% of the airwaves. They're like The Borg.
But they DO have a profit motive, don't they? I would think this means they have a $$$ incentive to offer a little something for everyone. Too bad it has now become even littler than before.
One thing I won't do is wade through mainstream (or worse, repub party line BS) to hear some small sliver of "liberal" thinking. That's what Hardballs Matthews is around for. D.K.
Okay, short note: The wife checked the scheduling for this week re Randi's substitute hosts. Turns out Oliphant was only supposed to be there thru Tuesday. Anyway, my paranoid meter's returning to cooler colors.
Man, would I love to have money...to control a string of radio stations across the nation, az. I'd get the angriest, most radical hosts to man it I could find. (Can you tell I've just come from listening to Randi Rhodes? ~grin)
And, welcome back D.K. Hope you had a great trip and your "kids" did too! Maybe we'll get some details in the days ahead. BTW, that was fast, only proving the old saw about time flying when you're having fun, I suppose.
bb5: Yeh, in retrospect, I think Malloy was setting us up for his fall. In fact, just a couple night's before he left the air, Mike was a very angry man. (He later apologized in the program.)
I can't help but wonder that he knew, that very night, the axe was falling.
Well, I get this sinking feeling that the bullshit coming down the Bush pipeline has us in good company, i.e., the company of Mike Malloy.
By Bush's pipeline shit, I'm referring specifically to the upcoming Bush recess appointment of Paul DeCamp, "an anti-union corporate lawyer who has represented Wal-Mart, to head the Labor Department’s Wage and Hour Division. In what amounts to tacit acknowledgment of DeCamp’s unsuitability for the post, Bush will avoid confirmation hearings by appointing him during the congressional recess."
This latest recess appointment of a man Bush could never get honestly appointed to this position, Bush is again delivering nothing more than "Fuck you, America!" bitch slapdown of us all in his blatant class warfare. "And what the fuck you little snivelling, shaking nervous Nelly pissants gonna do about it?" he laughs while asking Americans. (I guess they're all gonna tremble in fear and vote for Bush-folk to protect 'em against imaginary terrorists that are little threat, while Bush has us bend over and take yet another screwing again from the real, the biggest threat, to them all. (Whew, I'm feeling a little like Mike himself there!)
The backbone of organized labor has long been broken, thanks to Ronald Reagan. This is just the further nailing of the coffin shut forever!
When it finally all breaks down, and that may not be far off, I'm joining the local branch of the Mike Malloy madder-than-hell group. All seven of 'em.
(Oh, and here, in the best tradition of Mike, let me apologize for letting my emotions overtake my normally more refined anger. ~Da)
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