A line from the 1988 movie, "Milagro Beanfield War", is today's Quote of the Day. It's inspired by the Bush regime's dismal failure to bring to justice Osama bin Laden whom the cowboy president vowed before the whole world would be brought in "dead or alive".
Quite simply, it goes: "This posse couldn't find itself!"
Sometimes a group can be so incompetent, it destroys entire nations in the process of its own self-destruction.
Dada, this really is a gang that needs a weatherman to know which way the wind blows (sorry, had to throw some Bob Dylan at'cha).
Yeah & whatever happened to "we're gonna smoke him out ... he can run but he can't hide" ? We can't even keep the Taliban from coming back into Afghanistan! I keep googling failure & the first item is always Geo W Bush. D.K.
Thanks for the Dylan quote, D.K. You know? That's something he said I actually understand! (Gotta love Bob, if only for the magic of his lyrics even if I don't understand much of them.
You know, it's getting weirder and weirder by the day in DC now. Goss, the Watergate, sex scandals. Strange to think that these are many of the same folks who, with sufficient moral indignation, managed to impeach the former president.
yeh, the scandals these self-righteous prigs can get themselves into, huh? I have the hardest time imagining old Duke Cunningham entertaining lap dancers while playing poker. I'll need a complete brain wipe to get that out of my head. Where is the moral indignation, indeed. D.K.
This posse doesn't WANT to find itself.
Oh DK thanks..Duke getting a lap dance, the TopGun special now has such New Meaning......now I will be slipping in my own vomit as I try to escape that visual image....ekkkk....and yeah, how creative the idiots held little "parties" at the Watergate- they could find any other lousy DC Hooterslike-spot spot that didn't have listening walls and STD infested carpet ??? gee, now I can't even remember what I was going to write...or what the post was about ? I think my brain just collapsed in a spasm of revulsion....
Oh just look at us, will ya!!?? We're simply a pathetic pack of deviate intruders upon the dirty sheets of rightwing indignations at our traitorous, unpatriotic rantings.
PT's right. This posse doesn't want to find itself.
Wait, wait....watch out! Everyone scatter--here comes another moral majority bed stain!
well, they won't have a hard time finding me. I stick out like a south american macaw parrot! But I'm no longer a worker bee, and I refuse to respectfully touch a knuckle to my bowed forehead as they pass. So bring 'em on! I'd like to see just ONE of them look me right in the eye & tell me I'm an unpatriotic deviate. And, ooooh, even better I KNOW where they live. D.K.
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