Friday, January 27, 2006

In today's NY Times

This is part of the ad appearing in the NY Times today by Impeach Bush. I wish I could pretend at optimism that impeachment is a real possibility.

But that said, I have signed their petition and urge anyone so inclined who hasn't to take a minute and join the more than 641,000 who have.

At least "Impeach Bush" is getting the "I" word out there.


Anonymous said...

Good news, as of now 642,422 have signed the "Impeach Bush" petition! But I just saw on the nightly news, 46% still approve of him. Who ARE these people and what MORE does he have to do to make them disapprove? Maybe if he personally appeared on TV and said I don't care what you or your congressperson says, I will do whatever I please. Oh wait, he's already said that. D.K.

enigma4ever said...

These polls are total crap and I am so sick of the media humping them- the only asswipe that is sweating them is the King and his Turd Blossum...What did they do a Praking lot poll at Bob Jones "University" ? It would be awesome if hte IMPEACHMENT petition hit ONE million by the time he hit the podium on Tuesday- now that would be a number worth noting...

Dada said...

God, e4e is so right, D.K. Everytime I hear some ridiculous poll outcome, I go off the deep end. After a day or two, simmer down, vow to never pay heed to another one, just before the next homes comes out.

But it works, I guess. I have this overly massive swollen head from the brick wall.

Anonymous said...

Yes, even tho WE know the polls are crap, by bludgeoning people with it on MSM, they accomplish an alternate reality. And don't expect them to even report if the IMPEACHMENT petition reaches 1 million by Tuesday. It doesn't serve the master agenda. D.K.