Saturday, December 31, 2005

What, me worry?

I'm having a little difficulty reconciling the reality gap which exists between our very own president Bush's idea of what we should be worried about and what the public's concerned with.

While I didn't Google a list of what Bush thinks our "Top Ten" worries should be, I think most of us have an idea from his speeches. Actually, if you think about it, his message has been pretty much the same since 9/11. If we don't follow his agenda, a lot of bad things are going to happen to us. After four years, it's become a lot of hackneyed warnings with platitudes anchored in fear. That's losing resonance with some people. I'm sure this must be a worry for the president.

So, to get an idea what the people are really concerned with, I went to Google. There I found their list of the Top Ten Searches in 2005. Here, take a look.

Google News - Top Searches in 2005
1. Janet Jackson
2. Hurricane Katrina
3. tsunami
4. xbox 360
5. Brad Pitt
6. Michael Jackson
7. American Idol
8. Britney Spears
9. Angelina Jolie
10. Harry Potter

Well, I don't know which is scarier. What Bush thinks we should worry about, or what really concerns the hoi polloi. I don't know where my concerns fall. Somewhere between? Somewhere outside these? In extreme left field?

Maybe I'm just worried about the wrong things. Maybe, for now, I'll try to suspend my worries altogether. After all, it's New Year's eve, congress is in adjournment, bush and his buddies are basically distracted from scaring the shit out of us for the holidays.

Maybe I'll spend a quiet NY's eve with Angelina Jolie and Harry Potter. However you choose to spend yours, Dada hopes your NY's is a safe and happy one.

Oh, and try not to worry. Maybe Google Brad or Janet.

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