Thursday, December 01, 2005

Still waiting for that Bush Square

....a year from now, I'll
be very surprised if there is not some grand square
in Baghdad that is named after President Bush. There
is no doubt that, with the exception of a very small
number of people close to a vicious regime, the 
people of Iraq have been liberated and they under-
stand that they've been liberated. And it is getting
easier every day for Iraqis to express that sense of 

Richard Perle, Oct. 11, 2003:


Harrod Family History said...

I'll be very surprised if there is not some grand square in Baghdad that is named after President Bush

So there's a grand square in Baghdad called "Penis Head" in Bush's honor?

Dada said...


Oh my god! For a number of years now, I'd hear this nickname for our president!

Perhaps instead of a square, it will be something similar to our capital's mall, culminating in this enormous Washington Monument-like granite obelisk honoring Bush.

Of course in honoring Bush, it will mirror the careers, policies and life of everything Bush has done, with its ultimate purpose a tribute to the liberation he has bestowed upon the Iraqi people.

This is where it will deviate from traditional obelisks standing tall and erect in defiance of gravity above the landscape. Instead, Bush's phallic stele will be subtle and inconspicuous, almost unnoticeable, much like a monument, say, to erectile disfunction?