Tuesday, October 04, 2005

The Loyal Opposition Party

So here comes Bush Nominee Number 2 for the high court. Having never been a judge, we don't know much about where she stands on anything. The president has confirmed that he will refuse to turn over internal White House documents that might reveal a little about Harriet Miers. Privileged information, you know.

In announcing her nomination, Bush had this to say about his pick: "I know her well enough to be able to say that she's not going to change; that 20 years from now she'll be the same person, with the same philosophy."

While many may find this reassuring, Dada finds it extremely disturbing. But not to fret. Harriet Miers is as good as confirmed. Besides having little information available to the senators who will review her qualifications, the Democratic minority leader of that body, Senator Harry Reid, has already confirmed her. You see, Reid reportedly announced that he had asked President Bush to consider Miers for the job because she shares his Anti-Choice ideology.

Once more the Democratic party presents a united front--of total fragmentation. It truly has become the party of loyal opposition!

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