Saturday, October 15, 2005

Dusting off the blog

Recently, a friend observed several days had passed since I've blogged here in Dada's Daily Dally. He wanted to know if I'd run out of things upon which to comment. Certainly a valid inquiry.

In my initial exuberance establishing this blog back in mid-June, I made the mistake of misnaming it perhaps, i.e., the "daily" part. Perhaps it was done out of my love for alliteration. Dada's Daily Dally was, indeed, an ambitious promise. But it was a promise I kept faithfully for almost three months before faltering.

September saw a major upgrading project in the house with its consequent distractions and upheaval. Our amiable contractor, Tom, practically moved in with us. Access to current events was at times extremely curtailed, making blogging difficult. I slipped. I violated the "daily" promise.

But information of world events foregone during that month was supplanted by info gained in other areas. "Hanging" with Tom five days a week, I learned much about tearing out walls, commodes, sinks and vanities as well as replacing same with new ones and laying tiles. And from Tom, being an avid fisherman, I learned that fish have no memories and can't feel pain.

So the end of bathroom remodelings came as October began. News began to flow through the house again. But my recent lack of blog entries comes not for lack of news, but from an excess instead. From press secretary McClellan's loss of control of his daily conferences (he should probably be canned), Secretary of State Condoleezza "Oil Tanker" Rice's failure to get Russia to go along with her administration's plans to microwave Iran, to the first mainstream media's acknowledgment (on MSNBC's "Countdown" with Keith Olbermann) of the president's jerky jaw tic as possible side affect of medications he's on to control his meglomaniac paranoia (well, that's actually from Capitol Hill Blue) probably aggravated by the sense of White House foreboding of the impending Plame indictments.

There's just so much to write about. I'll try to be better.

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