Sunday, October 09, 2005

Bedbugs, smedbugs!

From Italy comes the story of Italians angered at the condition of their rail service cars. Seems many of them are infested with bed bugs and ticks. So bad has it gotten that AP reports "on Friday passengers stormed off a train crawling with bed bugs during a stop in Genoa along the Nice-to-Naples overnight run, and police had to be called to restore calm."

Apparently, this was the culminating event of other protests in recent weeks of train insect infestations.

As a result, the Italian state railway system has pulled 508 cars from service until restored to acceptable public standards.

Dada ponders if such a thing could happen in this country? Nah, probably not. Americans are far more accommodating of unacceptable conditions than those fussy, demanding Italians.

Why, just look at Washington D.C. It's crawling with bedbugs, lice, cockroaches, rats and other vermin. Still we continue to go along with the ride we're being taken on--with little objection.

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