Sunday, September 25, 2005

More publicity stunts

Okay, I confess to being a little paranoid with the news of Friday. If you recall, president Bush--after a brief visit to Texas before Rita struck--flew up to Colorado to some global nuclear headquarters inside a mountain.

I even mentioned this to Nona over at Fish Wars. Flashbacks to 9/11 and the president reading "My Pet Goat" as people were leaping, willingly, to their deaths from the 93rd floor of the World Trade Center still lingered in the old memory banks. And where was vice-president Cheney that day? Not sure. Somewhere in DC underground conducting a similation of U.S. responses to a hypothetical commercial airliner attack on the country.

Well, news that Cheney was "going into the hospital" this weekend to have surgery on an aneurysm behind his knee had me envisioning him returning to his ultra-secret 9/11 command post somewhere deep beneath the bowels of the capitol. I confess, having aneurysms behind both of his knees is something many po' American folks have, only they're called varicose veins.

My main concern was some kind of dramatic, globally significant event similar to 9/11. (Many of us had heard of those secret plans of Cheney's to nuke Iran in September, hence my schizophrenia.) But imagine my relief, when listening to public radio this morning that Bush had apparently gone to Colorado, to some kind of supreme military headquarters, to be photographed in front of the best technology available as regards Rita the hurricane. You know, all the bells and whistles, blinking lights, projections and readouts money can buy.

"Duh!" I felt so sucked into some kind of conspiracy crap cover up for our nuking Iran when, in reality, it was just another god-damned Bush photo-op stunt to make him look "in control". Nothing Bush does is done without considering camera angles and the evening news. I keep forgetting this.

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