Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Ironic, isn't it? (part II)

Interesting that faith based initiatives and institutions are spreading their tentacles of influence across America. The president has been a tremendous boon to the growth of the spirituality industry.

Increasingly, prayer becomes more pervasive across the land. From school boards, Friday night high school stadia, graduations, corporate board rooms and public ceremonies, prayers go wafting up toward the heavens. And they ask for all kinds of things. Success, safety, victory, the death penalty, revenge, forgiveness, more money, impeachment, etc. The list is endless.

Interestingly in a nation becoming openly more spiritual, we saw anti-war Cindy Sheehan and a group of her supporters being arrested at a White House gate yesterday while praying. So, despite our progress in spreading the faith, there apparently still exists pockets of "No Prayer" zones in the country. One of these is outside the White House.

That's ironic. Even the president, a deeply religious man, has admitted God visits with him in the White House, so I would think Bush would welcome folks of faith outside his gate. Or, maybe not. Maybe Sheehan and her friends pray to a different god. Maybe theirs is more omnipotent than Bush's. I honestly don't know. When it comes to religion, it's really over my head.

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