Sunday, August 14, 2005

News Miscellany

The Transportation Security Administration, the federal agency in charge of aviation security, is considering major changes. An official said it would lift the ban on carrying razorblades and small knives as well as limit patdown searches.

Such changes will require the approval of TSA's new head, Edmund S. "Kip" Hawley. The hope is to make airline screening more passenger friendly by allowing travelers to carry scissors, ice picks and bows and arrows on flights. AP, 8/14/05 (No seriously, that's what the article said. ~ Dada)


Supporters of the pro-Bush-lies-for-war group (<--ahm, that's just my opinion ~Dada),, sent counter demonstrators to Cindy Sheehan's Camp Casey in Crawford Saturday. Dr. Raoul Deming, a member of that group, called the pro-peace demonstrators un-American because, he said, the host organizations have ties with communists. (<-- and that would be Dr. Deming's opinion.)


The 9/11 commission wrote history as it wanted it to be, not as it was. The real history of what happened that terrible September day has yet to be written.
Jack Kelly 8/13/05, The Toledo Blade (It never will be. ~ Dada)


Like the Japanese soldier marooned on an island for years after V-J Day, President Bush may be the last person in the country to learn that for Americans, if not Iraqis, the war in Iraq is over. "We will stay the course," he insistently tells us from his Texas ranch.

What do you mean we, white man?

From "Someone Tell the President the War Is Over" by Frank Rich, The New York Times, 14 August 2005


It is not only Iraq that is occupied. America is too. My country is in the grip of a president surrounded by thugs in suits. ~ Howard Zinn 08/12/05 "The Guardian"


Anonymous said...

But I need my bow and arrows especially when I travel.

Harrod Family History said...

A deer might wander down the aisle and we'd need our bows and arrows to kill it. Obviously the TSA understands this.

Dada said...

I think you're both pretty close to truth on this one.

But what about our right to carry our ice picks on board? I guess we owe thanks for that one to the strong ice makers union?

Last time I flew, my coke came with those little "pre-chopped" ice cubes. Thank god, cause they seized my ice pick back at the airport.