Friday, July 08, 2005

On Symbiosis

Once more the tragedies of terror hit the western world and the fear level rises. Terror alert levels in the U.S. are being expressed in warmer and warmer "clownfish" colors. As one commentator expressed on News World International with these latest London bombings, "president Bush has been given a gift." The Bush administration knows this.

One need only look to Bush's sinking approval ratings prior to Sept. 11, 2001 and their immediate soaring afterwards to see the benefits reaped as a result of Bin Laden's actions four years ago.

In Nature there exists certain symbiotic relationships between the most disparate entities that benefits both. The prime example is that of the clown fish that lives with immunity among the poisonous tentacles of the sea anenome. The brightly colored clownfish acts as a kind of flashing diner sign, "Eat Here!" that attracts unsuspecting fish which are killed and devoured by both the anenome and the clown.

Well, the comment that Bush was handed a gift by the terrorist attack yesterday only reaffirmed the symbiotic relationship between him and the likes of Osama bin Laden. Bush was endorsed by terrorists during the 2004 election. He is their poster boy for recruiting and growing the tenacles of terrorism world-wide. In return, he feasts on the deaths and maimings of innocents by the stinging tenacles of terror cells.

The more fear rises, the more Bush benefits. As alert levels begin to resemble the bright colors of the little clownfish, the posterboy acts tougher. Terrorist recruitment goes up, terror rises, retaliation increases. More innocents perish amid the growing rubble of "civilization"while the urchin, clownfish, terrorists and poster boy thrive.


Anonymous said...

Que Dios bendiga a los Londinenses

Dada said...
