Monday, July 25, 2005

Odds and Ends

This is a picture (courtesy of ABC News) of the oil tanker that bore the name of our National Security Adviser, the one who warned of us of nuclear clouds blooming over American cities as justification for invading Iraq (which, just coincidentally, is a humungously rich oil nation). She is now serving as our Secretary of State. It's unclear if she returned the honor by maybe tattooing an oil tanker on, ah, oh never mind.

(NOTE: To avoid any hint of impropriety, I believe the tanker was renamed. Apparently the administration didn't want us to equate the goals of a former oil exectutive with those of American foreign policy.)

OTHER CREEPY STUFF. Apparently there exist even worse torture pictures than those already released from Abu Ghraib. Thankfully, president Bush has interceded on behalf of the prisoners to prevent them from being released to the public. Reason given? He doesn't want those who experienced the oft times brutal torture of American "interrogation techniques" to suffer any further pain and public humiliation. It's nice that Bush is so aware of Islamic sensitivities.

ANOTHER ONE: I'm beginning to sense a pattern here among Republicans. They have extremely bad memories. I'm thinking back to the Alberto Gonzales confirmation hearings where he told members of congress, "I'll have to check on that and get back to you. I don't remember." I see it again and again. Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld answering Rep. Cynthia McKinney's tough questioning on events on the day of 9/11, "Ah, I don't remember. Let me make a note on that and get back to you." (I wonder if he ever did, if they ever do?) And then there's Scott McClellan. Wow, he's the best. His memory seems better because he doesn't need to get back to the press corps, he just says, "I'm not gonna talk about that here," or something like, "I've answered that before."

Well, the only reason I bring it up is news that Bush's Supreme Court nominee John G. Roberts Jr. was asked about his membership in a conservative legal organization, the Federalist Society. He replied repeatedly he has no memory of belonging to that group despite being listed as a member of the steering committee of the organization's Washington chapter. Nor does he remember paying membership dues to them.

This kinda bothers me. I guess my concern here is, we seem to be increasingly ruled by a group of leaders exhibiting various stages of the degenerative cognitive disease, Alzheimer's. To me that's a bit scary. Do we really want the wielders of such power over the nation and the world to be people who can't remember really important shit?


Anonymous said...

OTHER CREEPY STUFF: Have you seen what the Creeps do to our guys (and even worse the women). Fuck sensitivity you moron.

Dada said...

Thanks anonymous for your feedback. I think you misunderstood me, however. See? It's not me withholding the latest torture pictures so as not to offend the prisoner's sensibilities, it's the president. So I think you meant to address your remark to president Bush when you said, "Fuck sensitivity you moron."