Thursday, July 21, 2005

NFL losing attendence to Political Football League?

Well, late July, pro football exhibition games just around the corner and I'm wondering how much longer the National Football League can compete with the Political Football League of Washington. Who can forget some of the great games played there? The "footballs" kicked around? Osama B. Laden, Saddam Hussein, Valerie Plame, the head of Terry Schiavo. (Hope that last one didn't offend anyone, after all, it was the Senator Frists and other self-"RIGHT"ious congressional members who decided to kick her around.)

While the NFL's season runs about a third of the year with injuries taking their toll in that time, the Washington Political Football League runs year round. One of the big advantages of DC football is it's limitless capacity to inflict injuries and to decimate. That has to leave the NFL in total awe, I'm sure.

As with all sports, whether your team's winning or losing depends on which side of the stadium you chose to sit.

- Osama B. Laden? Victory! (Forget Bush's "we'll bring 'im in dead or alive." Bush has forgotten it.) Bin Laden served his purpose, he scared the shit outta us. Get over it, move on. He got us Afghanistan.

- Saddam? Victory! He got us into Iraq. (Don't look for his trial defense to present much of a case. A real trial could be extremely damaging to his prosecutors!)

- Terry Schiavo was a loss. If you're gonna play on your sanctimonious, moral high-ground end of the field, you damn sure better not be prone to fumbling!

- Valerie Plame? Game still in progress. This one could go into Sudden Death. (Let's hope, that'd be so exciting!)

Stay tuned.....

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